We estimate the budgetary, economic and distributional effects of raising the OASDI taxable maximum to $300,000. The policy would be enacted on January 1st, 2021.
A 1% Value-Added Tax
We estimate the budgetary and economic effects of a new broad-based 1 percent value-added tax (VAT) with a progressive universal rebate calculated based on earnings, which is enacted on January 1st, 2021.
Eliminate Itemized Deductions
We estimate the budgetary, economic and distributional effects of eliminating all itemized deductions. The policy would be enacted on January 1st, 2021.
Increase Tax Rates on Capital Gains & Dividends
We estimate the budgetary and economic effects of increasing the top rate on long-term capital gains and qualified dividends from 20 percent to 24.2 percent. The policy would be enacted on January 1st, 2021.
Payroll Tax Holiday
Please see our previously published analysis.
Options to Increase Charitable Giving Using Tax Incentives
Please see our previously published analysis.
70% Top Marginal Rate
Please see our previously published analysis.
Gas Tax
Please see our previously published analysis.
LIFT (Livable Incomes for Families Today) the Middle Class Act
Please see our previously published analysis.
Tax Reform 2.0
Please see our previously published analysis.
Indexing Capital Gains
Please see our previously published analysis for the conventional and dynamic revenue estimates and the macroeconomic effects estimates as well as the conventional distributional effects estimate.
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: Extending Changes to Individual Taxes
Please see our previously published analysis.
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
Please see our full analysis of the conventional and dynamic revenue estimates and the macroeconomic effects estimates, the conventional distributional effects estimate, as well as the effects by industry estimate.