
The Impact of the Build Back Better Act (H.R. 5376) on Inflation

Summary: PWBM projects that the spending and taxes in the Build Back Better Act (H.R. 5376), as written, would add up to 0.2 percentage points to inflation over the next two years and reduce inflation by similar amounts later in the decade. As an illustrative alternative, if temporary major spending provisions were made permanent, the bill would add up to a third of a percentage point to near-term inflation and have a negligible impact on inflation later in the decade.

Key Points

  • PWBM examines how each of the more than 500 provisions in the Build Back Better Act (H.R. 5376) would impact consumption expenditures over the next decade. PWBM projects that the bill, as written, would add 0.1 to 0.2 percentage points to consumer price inflation over the next two years. The bill would reduce inflation later in the decade as temporary provisions phase out.

  • PWBM considers an illustrative alternative where temporary major spending provisions in the bill were made permanent. In this case, we project that bill would add up to a third of a percentage point to near-term inflation and have a negligible impact on inflation in later years.

  • The bill’s impact on inflation could be largely mitigated, however, if monetary policy responds to counteract the increase in consumer demand.

The Impact of the Build Back Better Act (H.R. 5376) on Inflation


On November 19th, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better (BBB) Act, which is now under consideration in the Senate. PWBM estimates that H.R. 5376 includes $2.1 trillion in new spending and tax expenditures, offset by $1.8 trillion in new revenues and other savings. With consumer prices rising at the fastest pace in decades, policymakers have raised concerns about the legislation’s impact on inflation, especially if provisions scheduled to expire after several years were extended permanently. In this brief, PWBM analyzes BBB’s impact on inflation over the coming decade.

PWBM’s analysis is based on an examination of how each of H.R. 5376’s more than 500 provisions would affect the demand for goods and services. Some provisions affect aggregate spending in the economy directly, others do so indirectly, and others would have no impact on demand even though they involve a budgetary outlay or revenue change. Given these differences, the legislation’s impact on aggregate expenditures – and the resulting inflationary pressure – cannot be inferred from its impact on the budget deficit. PWBM’s section-by-section analysis of the bill accounts for this important distinction.

Figure 1. Effect of the Build Back Better Act (H.R. 5376) and Illustrative Permanent Extension Alternative on Consumer Price Inflation


Note: Inflation is measured as growth in the price index for personal consumption expenditures from the last quarter of one fiscal year to the last quarter of the next.
Source: Penn Wharton Budget Model.

Figure 1 summarizes PWBM’s projections of the legislation’s impact on consumer price inflation.1 PWBM estimates that H.R. 5376 would add 0.1 to 0.2 percentage points to inflation over the next two years and reduce inflation by about 0.1 percentage points in later years as temporary provisions phase out. If major temporary provisions of H.R. 5376 were enacted permanently, inflation would be 0.1 to 0.3 percentage points higher over the next three years and roughly unchanged later in the decade.

What Build Back Better Buys

H.R. 5376 provides funding for child and family benefits, for improvements in health insurance coverage and affordability, and for investments in education, energy, climate resilience, workforce development, and infrastructure. It raises new revenues primarily from higher taxes on large corporations and high-income households, with additional savings from reforms to reduce prescription drug costs.

To estimate the legislation’s impact on aggregate demand for goods and services, PWBM identified how each spending or revenue provision would enter the economy and affect different kinds of public and private expenditures. Spending provisions are classified into seven categories based on what would be purchased and which sector of the economy would record the expenditure. The different types of purchases are for final goods and services, for intermediate goods and services (such as raw materials) or other inputs, and for fixed assets (capital).2 The different sectors are households, businesses, nonprofit institutions, state and local governments, and the federal government.

  • Federal employment, purchases, and investment: Direct expenditures by the federal government for final goods and services (including the services of federal employees) or for fixed assets added to the stock federal government-owned capital.

  • Subsidies for investment: Payments to businesses, nonprofit institutions, or state and local governments for the acquisition or maintenance of a fixed asset.

  • Subsidies for production: Payments to businesses, nonprofit institutions, or state and local governments for purchases of intermediate goods and services, for wages and other labor costs, or to bolster producers’ profits.

  • Subsidies for consumption: Payments to businesses, nonprofit institutions, or state and local governments for purchases of final goods and services on behalf of households.

  • Nondiscretionary transfers: Payments to households for purchases of final goods and services. These transfers are nondiscretionary (sometimes called “expenditure-based”) because the benefit is tied to the purchase of a particular good or service, such as health insurance.3

  • Discretionary transfers: Payments to households in cash or a cash-like form. These transfers are discretionary in that households choose how much to spend on final goods and services and the timing of such spending.

  • Individual taxes (state and local tax deduction): The state and local tax (SALT) deduction is a tax expenditure that – like discretionary transfers – affects households’ disposable incomes. Relative to current law, H.R. 5376 raises the deduction (a tax cut) through 2025 and then limits the deduction (a tax increase) through 2031. To align the classification with the directional impact on demand, PWBM classifies the tax cut component as spending and the tax increase component as an offset.4

Figure 2 shows the composition of spending in H.R. 5376 across these categories.

Figure 2. Spending in the Build Back Better Act (H.R. 5376)


Notes: SALT = state and local tax.
Changes to SALT deduction are classified as spending in years they reduce revenues and as an offset in years they raise revenues.
Sources: Penn Wharton Budget Model, Congressional Budget Office.

Taxes and other offsets are classified into four categories based on how the savings would be realized or which sector of the economy would record the tax.

  • Individual taxes: Payments by households to the federal government for individual income tax liability. Most individual taxes in H.R. 5376 would be paid by high-income and wealthy households.

  • Business taxes: Payments by businesses to the federal government, generally for corporate income tax liability. Most business taxes in H.R. 5376 would be paid by multinationals and large corporations.

  • Excise taxes, fees, and penalties: Payments by households, businesses, or nonprofit institutions to the federal government for taxes on goods (such as nicotine), user fees, fines, and other collections unrelated to income.

  • Nondiscretionary transfers (prescription drug price reforms): A reduction in payments by the federal government for purchases of prescription drugs consumed by households.5

Figure 3 shows the composition of offsets in H.R. 5376 across these categories.

Figure 3. Offsets in the Build Back Better Act (H.R. 5376)


Note: Changes to SALT deduction are classified as spending in years they reduce revenues and as individual taxes in years they raise revenues.
Sources: Penn Wharton Budget Model, Congressional Budget Office.

How Build Back Better Would Impact Consumption Expenditures

The principal channel through which the BBB legislation would affect consumer price inflation – particularly in the near-term – is its impact on aggregate expenditures for consumption goods and services. When producers face an increase in demand, they meet the rise in spending either by raising quantities sold or by raising prices. If producers respond by raising prices, inflation rises. The bill’s impact on inflation is therefore dependent on (and limited by) its impact on consumption demand.

Some provisions of H.R. 5673 affect demand directly through the appropriation of funds to purchase goods and services consumed by households. These include subsidies for consumption and nondiscretionary transfers. In these cases, the effect on consumption expenditures is the same as the budgetary effect, since every dollar of budgetary outlay is spent on consumption.

Other provisions influence demand by changing households’ disposable income or wealth, which affects their consumption spending decisions. This is how discretionary transfers, individual taxes, and business taxes affect spending. In these cases, the budgetary effect generally corresponds to the change in disposable income. The impact on demand depends on households’ marginal propensity to consume (MPC), which measures how much consumption spending changes in response to a change in income. PWBM specified MPC values for transfers and taxes based on a survey of empirical estimates from recent decades and PWBM’s review of more recent evidence. However, MPCs are highly uncertain in the current economic and policy environment, so PWBM considered a range of MPCs higher or lower than its central estimates.6

Many provisions of H.R. 5673 would have no immediate effect on demand for consumption goods and services. Federal government purchases consist largely of the services of federal employees and do not change personal consumption expenditures. Subsidies for investment direct spending towards investment in fixed assets, not consumption. Subsidies for production are spent on inputs to production, not on final goods and services.

The Role of the Federal Reserve

The discussion thus far describes the “first-order effects” of the different types of outlays and revenues – what happens at the point a transaction occurs, a federal government account is debited or credited, and the budgetary effect is recorded. In general, this corresponds to how each provision would affect the calculation of gross domestic product in the national accounts, assuming no further changes. But for many provisions, the ultimate impact on demand could be greater or smaller than the first-order effect.

An initial transaction could set off a “multiplier” effect as it flows through to the rest of the economy, where producers and workers respond to the initial change in income by adjusting their consumption, which affects the income of other producers and workers who adjust their consumption, and so on. The multiplier effect magnifies the impact on demand. On the other hand, monetary policy might respond to the change in fiscal policy, stabilizing demand to maintain the Federal Reserve’s target for inflation. This would offset any multiplier effect and possibly the first-order effect as well.

With recent inflation well-above its 2 percent long-run target, the Federal Reserve announced this week that it would accelerate reductions in asset purchases and the expected pace of increases in the policy rate, reducing the degree of monetary policy support for demand. In this context, PWBM expects that the Federal Reserve would not accommodate a significant increase in demand induced by fiscal policy. PWBM’s estimates of the first-order impact of BBB legislation should therefore be viewed as an upper bound on its ultimate impact.

The Estimated Impact of Build Back Better on Consumption Expenditures

Figure 4 shows the projected impact of H.R. 5376 on consumption expenditures over the next decade. The darker shaded area shows how different marginal propensities to consume would affect the estimate. This range encompasses scenarios in which households rapidly spend a large share of any changes in income and scenarios in which households adjust consumption gradually and save a larger share of changes in income. The lighter shaded area highlights the potential impact of monetary policy, which could offset the increased demand in part or in full. PWBM projects that H.R. 5376 would raise consumption by about 0.5 percent over the next several years. This increase would fade over the second half of the decade as the bill’s temporary provisions phase out. By the end of the decade, H.R. 5376’s impact on demand would fall to between zero and a reduction of around 0.2 percent, depending mainly on how much high-income households adjust their consumption spending in response to tax increases.

Figure 4. Effect of the Build Back Better Act (H.R. 5376) on Personal Consumption Expenditures


Note: PCE = personal consumption expenditures.
Source: Penn Wharton Budget Model.

Figure 5 shows how consumption expenditures would change if major temporary provisions of H.R. 5376 were enacted on a permanent basis. Temporary provisions include the legislation’s child care and universal preschool provisions, expansions of child tax credit and earned income tax credit, health insurance tax credits and Medicaid funding, and changes to the state and local tax deduction. If these provisions were made permanent, PWBM projects that the legislation would lead to a sustained increase in consumption spending of around 1 to 1.5 percent over the next decade. There is substantial uncertainty around this estimate, mainly because of uncertainty around how households would spend increased transfers like the child tax credit.

Figure 5. Effect of Illustrative Build Back Better Act with Permanent Extension of Major Provisions on Personal Consumption Expenditures


Note: PCE = personal consumption expenditures.
Source: Penn Wharton Budget Model.

Pass-Through from Consumption Expenditures to Consumer Prices

The impact of a change in consumption spending on inflation depends on how sellers respond to the change in demand. This in turn depends largely on supply-side conditions in the economy. If producers can raise output without significantly raising costs, increased demand is likely to be met with an increase in the quantity of goods and services sold. If producers are constrained by the availability of inputs, increased costs are passed along to consumers through higher prices.

Figure 6 shows the share of consumption spending growth absorbed by price increases. Over the last three decades, the share has been a little below half on average. It fell sharply in 2020 as the economy shut down and recovered rapidly in 2021 as it reopened, and is now higher than before the pandemic.

Figure 6. Inflation Share of Growth in Personal Consumption Expenditures


Note: PCE = personal consumption expenditures.
Sources: Penn Wharton Budget Model, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Survey of Professional Forecasters.

PWBM expects that inflation will absorb a growing share of spending in the near-term, until major supply constraints ease. However, PWBM projects that the share will remain elevated even after the economy stabilizes, reflecting historically tight labor market conditions and a long-run decline in the economy’s underlying growth potential. Hence, PWBM’s estimates of BBB’s impact on inflation reflect a more inflationary economic environment than has been typical in recent decades.

Future supply conditions are currently highly uncertain, so PWBM considered a distribution of possible futures, part of which is shown by the shaded areas in Figure 6. This range is based on a survey of economic forecasters and reflects the degree of disagreement among forecasters. When forecasters express widely differing views about the economic outlook, it signals that the direction of the economy is unclear and uncertainty is high. Uncertainty has been unusually high in recent surveys and this is reflected in PWBM’s projections.

The Estimated Impact of Build Back Better on Inflation

Figure 7 shows PWBM’s projections of H.R. 5376’s impact on consumer price inflation, including the effects of uncertainty around both household consumption behavior and the macroeconomic environment. PWBM estimates a 90 percent likelihood that inflation would rise between 0.1 and 0.2 percentage points in 2022 and 2023. Inflation would be lower later in the decade as the bill’s initial impact on demand reverses.

Figure 7. Effect of the Build Back Better Act (H.R. 5376) on Consumer Price Inflation


Notes: Inflation is measured as growth in the price index for personal consumption expenditures from the last quarter of one fiscal year to the last quarter of the next.
Likelihood ranges capture uncertainty about households’ spending behavior and the macroeconomic environment.
Sources: Penn Wharton Budget Model, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Survey of Professional Forecasters.

Figure 8 shows how enacting H.R. 5376 with major temporary provisions made permanent would affect inflation. PWBM estimates a 90 percent likelihood that inflation would rise between 0.1 and 0.25 percentage points in 2022, between 0.2 and 0.4 percentage points in 2023, and between 0.1 and 0.2 percentage points in 2024. The impact would decline close to zero over the remainder of the decade as the change in demand stabilizes following the initial rise.

Figure 8. Effect of Illustrative Build Back Better Act with Permanent Extension of Major Provisions on Consumer Price Inflation


Notes: Inflation is measured as growth in the price index for personal consumption expenditures from the last quarter of one fiscal year to the last quarter of the next.
Likelihood ranges capture uncertainty about households’ spending behavior and the macroeconomic environment.
Sources: Penn Wharton Budget Model, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Survey of Professional Forecasters.

Table 1 presents important context for these estimates. The upper panel shows PWBM’s projections for the rate of inflation under current law and if BBB legislation were enacted. Without BBB, PWBM projects that consumer prices will rise 3.1 percent in fiscal year 2022 and 2.1 percent in 2023. Relative to these baseline inflation levels, the 0.1 to 0.2 percentage point impact of enacting H.R. 5376 would leave the near-term outlook for inflation essentially unchanged. The impact on the long-term outlook is even smaller; average inflation over the next decade would be roughly the same regardless of whether BBB legislation is enacted, even if major temporary provisions were permanently extended.

Table 1. Consumer Price Inflation Projections

Percentage points

Central Estimate
Fiscal Year Baseline Build Back Better Act (H.R. 5673) With permanent extension of major provisions
2022 3.08 3.2 3.23
2023 2.09 2.24 2.4
2024 2.15 2.18 2.27
2022-2031 2.18 2.17 2.24
50% Likelihood Range
Fiscal Year Baseline Build Back Better Act (H.R. 5673) With permanent extension of major provisions
2022 2.83 - 3.55 2.95 - 3.67 2.99 - 3.71
2023 1.9 - 2.39 2.06 - 2.54 2.2 - 2.71
2024 1.89 - 2.38 1.9 - 2.4 2.01 - 2.53
2022-2031 1.99 - 2.39 1.99 - 2.38 2.06 - 2.46

Notes: Inflation is measured as growth in the price index for personal consumption expenditures from the last quarter of one fiscal year to the last quarter of the next.
The 50% likelihood range captures uncertainty about households’ spending behavior and the macroeconomic environment. PWBM projects a 50 percent chance that inflation falls within this range and a 50 percent chance that inflation falls outside of it.
Sources: Penn Wharton Budget Model, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Survey of Professional Forecasters.

The lower panel of Table 1 highlights another important aspect of PWBM’s analysis: BBB’s impact on near-term inflation is small relative to baseline uncertainty around the near-term outlook for inflation Uncertainty is currently unusually high in light of the pandemic, the rapid economic recovery, and ongoing supply chain issues. In this context, changes in inflation of a few tenths of a percentage point would likely be indistinguishable from variation in inflation expected whether the legislation is enacted or not.

This analysis was written by Alex Arnon. Prepared for the website by Mariko Paulson.

  1. Throughout this brief, consumer prices and inflation refer to the price index for personal consumption expenditures published by the Bureau and Economic Analysis.  ↩

  2. Throughout this brief, goods and services are defined as exclusive of fixed assets (capital goods).  ↩

  3. The distinction between subsidies for consumption and nondiscretionary transfers is ambiguous and generally reflects differences in how a payment is administered, which is not economically significant. The decision to classify a provision as one or the other does not affect the analysis or results.  ↩

  4. This classification choice is expositional and does not affect the analysis or results.  ↩

  5. The separation of prescription drug reforms from other nondiscretionary transfers classified as spending is expositional and does not affect the analysis or results.  ↩

  6. Download a spreadsheet containing PWBM’s MPC assumptions.  ↩

  Year	Scenario	Value
  2022	Build Back Better Act (H.R. 5673)	0.128212597
  2022	With permanent extension of major provisions	0.166399897
  2023	Build Back Better Act (H.R. 5673)	0.142770645
  2023	With permanent extension of major provisions	0.29200842
  2024	Build Back Better Act (H.R. 5673)	0.026406939
  2024	With permanent extension of major provisions	0.135762614
  2025	Build Back Better Act (H.R. 5673)	0.021057624
  2025	With permanent extension of major provisions	0.047368277
  2026	Build Back Better Act (H.R. 5673)	-0.135143815
  2026	With permanent extension of major provisions	0.044648766
  2027	Build Back Better Act (H.R. 5673)	-0.03941463
  2027	With permanent extension of major provisions	0.009207576
  2028	Build Back Better Act (H.R. 5673)	-0.039233355
  2028	With permanent extension of major provisions	0.013932135
  2029	Build Back Better Act (H.R. 5673)	-0.098358476
  2029	With permanent extension of major provisions	-0.015254446
  2030	Build Back Better Act (H.R. 5673)	-0.074584007
  2030	With permanent extension of major provisions	-0.021489547
  2031	Build Back Better Act (H.R. 5673)	-0.010743359
  2031	With permanent extension of major provisions	-0.017709825
  Order	ExpenditureCategory	Year	Cost
  6	Discretionary transfers	2022	92.23461239
  6	Discretionary transfers	2023	54.17682061
  6	Discretionary transfers	2024	25.13257007
  6	Discretionary transfers	2025	31.47897307
  6	Discretionary transfers	2026	27.34913845
  6	Discretionary transfers	2027	26.69482597
  6	Discretionary transfers	2028	29.71935703
  6	Discretionary transfers	2029	33.05766165
  6	Discretionary transfers	2030	36.66339157
  6	Discretionary transfers	2031	39.43157168
  1	Federal employment, purchases, and investment	2022	8.546380845
  1	Federal employment, purchases, and investment	2023	16.86433816
  1	Federal employment, purchases, and investment	2024	18.7509274
  1	Federal employment, purchases, and investment	2025	20.05812449
  1	Federal employment, purchases, and investment	2026	20.78352121
  1	Federal employment, purchases, and investment	2027	18.60651657
  1	Federal employment, purchases, and investment	2028	17.97333173
  1	Federal employment, purchases, and investment	2029	18.41611359
  1	Federal employment, purchases, and investment	2030	19.55877997
  1	Federal employment, purchases, and investment	2031	18.87079607
  7	Individual taxes (SALT deduction)	2022	103.9787202
  7	Individual taxes (SALT deduction)	2023	62.45815612
  7	Individual taxes (SALT deduction)	2024	65.05068724
  7	Individual taxes (SALT deduction)	2025	68.04961353
  7	Individual taxes (SALT deduction)	2026	0
  7	Individual taxes (SALT deduction)	2027	0
  7	Individual taxes (SALT deduction)	2028	0
  7	Individual taxes (SALT deduction)	2029	0
  7	Individual taxes (SALT deduction)	2030	0
  7	Individual taxes (SALT deduction)	2031	0
  5	Nondiscretionary transfers	2022	0
  5	Nondiscretionary transfers	2023	56.64149059
  5	Nondiscretionary transfers	2024	66.05281022
  5	Nondiscretionary transfers	2025	69.31665435
  5	Nondiscretionary transfers	2026	29.56052768
  5	Nondiscretionary transfers	2027	18.90387479
  5	Nondiscretionary transfers	2028	22.50556826
  5	Nondiscretionary transfers	2029	25.29437802
  5	Nondiscretionary transfers	2030	24.89537334
  5	Nondiscretionary transfers	2031	28.34426986
  4	Subsidies for consumption	2022	4.895489052
  4	Subsidies for consumption	2023	23.57405587
  4	Subsidies for consumption	2024	40.59090785
  4	Subsidies for consumption	2025	54.10175937
  4	Subsidies for consumption	2026	76.73326601
  4	Subsidies for consumption	2027	88.8455553
  4	Subsidies for consumption	2028	76.86096941
  4	Subsidies for consumption	2029	34.60860378
  4	Subsidies for consumption	2030	2.12685214
  4	Subsidies for consumption	2031	0.81126156
  2	Subsidies for investment	2022	9.557377674
  2	Subsidies for investment	2023	38.3011517
  2	Subsidies for investment	2024	61.60814578
  2	Subsidies for investment	2025	79.74797272
  2	Subsidies for investment	2026	84.10484219
  2	Subsidies for investment	2027	52.03162348
  2	Subsidies for investment	2028	30.87989507
  2	Subsidies for investment	2029	32.68240183
  2	Subsidies for investment	2030	36.86346319
  2	Subsidies for investment	2031	36.55824886
  3	Subsidies for production	2022	25.16023239
  3	Subsidies for production	2023	14.17295846
  3	Subsidies for production	2024	45.97110325
  3	Subsidies for production	2025	74.69474544
  3	Subsidies for production	2026	78.25498355
  3	Subsidies for production	2027	63.00060482
  3	Subsidies for production	2028	59.13445143
  3	Subsidies for production	2029	57.90845644
  3	Subsidies for production	2030	57.45306486
  3	Subsidies for production	2031	58.03179937
  Order	ExpenditureCategory	Year	Cost
  3	Business taxes	2022	16.48458448
  3	Business taxes	2023	67.65666263
  3	Business taxes	2024	77.09722271
  3	Business taxes	2025	85.21026186
  3	Business taxes	2026	78.72573226
  3	Business taxes	2027	83.786377
  3	Business taxes	2028	91.90279135
  3	Business taxes	2029	99.29438115
  3	Business taxes	2030	104.0694206
  3	Business taxes	2031	108.8653742
  2	Excise taxes, fees, and penalties	2022	0.874745962
  2	Excise taxes, fees, and penalties	2023	6.025923789
  2	Excise taxes, fees, and penalties	2024	7.736923789
  2	Excise taxes, fees, and penalties	2025	9.697771366
  2	Excise taxes, fees, and penalties	2026	9.43079677
  2	Excise taxes, fees, and penalties	2027	8.11379677
  2	Excise taxes, fees, and penalties	2028	7.88779677
  2	Excise taxes, fees, and penalties	2029	7.761745962
  2	Excise taxes, fees, and penalties	2030	7.691745962
  2	Excise taxes, fees, and penalties	2031	7.727720558
  4	Individual taxes	2022	34.64125973
  4	Individual taxes	2023	49.51802288
  4	Individual taxes	2024	55.22224285
  4	Individual taxes	2025	63.74958874
  4	Individual taxes	2026	84.33934937
  4	Individual taxes	2027	144.9004564
  4	Individual taxes	2028	162.3702342
  4	Individual taxes	2029	170.4841803
  4	Individual taxes	2030	180.408989
  4	Individual taxes	2031	249.4256722
  1	Nondiscretionary transfers (prescription drug price reforms)	2022	0
  1	Nondiscretionary transfers (prescription drug price reforms)	2023	4.897226754
  1	Nondiscretionary transfers (prescription drug price reforms)	2024	4.442686891
  1	Nondiscretionary transfers (prescription drug price reforms)	2025	11.02344366
  1	Nondiscretionary transfers (prescription drug price reforms)	2026	30.01635514
  1	Nondiscretionary transfers (prescription drug price reforms)	2027	35.91302788
  1	Nondiscretionary transfers (prescription drug price reforms)	2028	39.90386759
  1	Nondiscretionary transfers (prescription drug price reforms)	2029	41.89825754
  1	Nondiscretionary transfers (prescription drug price reforms)	2030	43.8640706
  1	Nondiscretionary transfers (prescription drug price reforms)	2031	46.91560812
  Year	Central	Max	Min
  2022	0.263684281	0.36778382	0.166191147
  2023	0.541798873	0.593136199	0.465709349
  2024	0.590083608	0.624892947	0.499851234
  2025	0.629161793	0.677557583	0.51280122
  2026	0.378457213	0.456568351	0.216959599
  2027	0.304084908	0.40967568	0.099159817
  2028	0.228127534	0.344406315	0.0059961
  2029	0.034408854	0.155454873	-0.196887423
  2030	-0.114723298	0.01043648	-0.35287618
  2031	-0.136697086	0.006531114	-0.403193828
  Year	Central	Max	Min
  2022	0.342355853	0.486253094	0.215956096
  2023	0.912565371	1.092867479	0.717317826
  2024	1.162442181	1.389363415	0.901056611
  2025	1.251425073	1.484234028	0.962834372
  2026	1.337669743	1.643677424	0.947683209
  2027	1.356601113	1.72165574	0.893545001
  2028	1.384981911	1.781180436	0.885462359
  2029	1.353689725	1.751360484	0.843131814
  2030	1.308991499	1.707068663	0.793855982
  2031	1.271701615	1.668925951	0.756204021
  Quarter	Median	P05	P25	P75	P95	Average19902019
  2017 Q3	0.425085248	0.425085248	0.425085248	0.425085248	0.425085248	0.44881075
  2017 Q4	0.398745727	0.398745727	0.398745727	0.398745727	0.398745727	0.44881075
  2018 Q1	0.421662439	0.421662439	0.421662439	0.421662439	0.421662439	0.44881075
  2018 Q2	0.428749225	0.428749225	0.428749225	0.428749225	0.428749225	0.44881075
  2018 Q3	0.413694288	0.413694288	0.413694288	0.413694288	0.413694288	0.44881075
  2018 Q4	0.438474009	0.438474009	0.438474009	0.438474009	0.438474009	0.44881075
  2019 Q1	0.408828345	0.408828345	0.408828345	0.408828345	0.408828345	0.44881075
  2019 Q2	0.416372614	0.416372614	0.416372614	0.416372614	0.416372614	0.44881075
  2019 Q3	0.397178496	0.397178496	0.397178496	0.397178496	0.397178496	0.44881075
  2019 Q4	0.400361672	0.400361672	0.400361672	0.400361672	0.400361672	0.44881075
  2020 Q1	0.246368016	0.246368016	0.246368016	0.246368016	0.246368016	0.44881075
  2020 Q2	0.14717662	0.14717662	0.14717662	0.14717662	0.14717662	0.44881075
  2020 Q3	0.105519323	0.105519323	0.105519323	0.105519323	0.105519323	0.44881075
  2020 Q4	0.058407416	0.058407416	0.058407416	0.058407416	0.058407416	0.44881075
  2021 Q1	0.175892243	0.175892243	0.175892243	0.175892243	0.175892243	0.44881075
  2021 Q2	0.255039779	0.255039779	0.255039779	0.255039779	0.255039779	0.44881075
  2021 Q3	0.41946593	0.41946593	0.41946593	0.41946593	0.41946593	0.44881075
  2021 Q4	0.462011872	0.432247648	0.454264913	0.470756703	0.478729346	0.44881075
  2022 Q1	0.520153524	0.435353506	0.483031417	0.535430591	0.552895108	0.44881075
  2022 Q2	0.543894913	0.438657297	0.502257742	0.57456796	0.612124914	0.44881075
  2022 Q3	0.475982425	0.32875789	0.434778435	0.514164006	0.556149537	0.44881075
  2022 Q4	0.464091269	0.328741259	0.439628138	0.517478253	0.595218446	0.44881075
  2023 Q1	0.477655002	0.326570598	0.439415681	0.518300684	0.587857072	0.44881075
  2023 Q2	0.499242183	0.371156097	0.457249783	0.532895834	0.646197003	0.44881075
  2023 Q3	0.521928674	0.393564746	0.474116734	0.550804325	0.659846378	0.44881075
  2023 Q4	0.539709798	0.400576817	0.498221037	0.585629721	0.652745244	0.44881075
  2024 Q1	0.545761282	0.425630016	0.509189427	0.606981203	0.66172732	0.44881075
  2024 Q2	0.551227415	0.439302182	0.513704765	0.616651968	0.667770837	0.44881075
  2024 Q3	0.551001713	0.443415856	0.516312352	0.615723995	0.664760454	0.44881075
  2024 Q4	0.54867613	0.443097512	0.513810838	0.61064623	0.657971645	0.44881075
  2025 Q1	0.546974864	0.442813484	0.511344312	0.605598715	0.651256254	0.44881075
  2025 Q2	0.54597314	0.443421349	0.50950387	0.600553937	0.645337672	0.44881075
  2025 Q3	0.544984314	0.44402691	0.507674687	0.595705304	0.639454495	0.44881075
  2025 Q4	0.544008136	0.444630211	0.50585661	0.590874304	0.634097792	0.44881075
  2026 Q1	0.542970738	0.445231299	0.504049489	0.586501281	0.629701269	0.44881075
  2026 Q2	0.540757364	0.445830219	0.502253175	0.583330641	0.625286703	0.44881075
  2026 Q3	0.538564468	0.446427014	0.501054334	0.57705969	0.620853843	0.44881075
  2026 Q4	0.536391747	0.44702173	0.500000027	0.573476308	0.616402436	0.44881075
  2027 Q1	0.534238908	0.447439222	0.498953803	0.569913882	0.611932227	0.44881075
  2027 Q2	0.532105664	0.447109013	0.497915489	0.566372201	0.607442959	0.44881075
  2027 Q3	0.529991731	0.44678701	0.496884915	0.561611202	0.602934371	0.44881075
  Year	Range	Central	Lower	Upper
  2022	50% likelihood	0.128212597	0.095369569	0.148734694
  2023	50% likelihood	0.142770645	0.11720718	0.154596063
  2024	50% likelihood	0.026406939	0.011283217	0.031113308
  2025	50% likelihood	0.021057624	0.013969038	0.023194257
  2026	50% likelihood	-0.135143815	-0.150730122	-0.119819951
  2027	50% likelihood	-0.03941463	-0.05737576	-0.026771079
  2028	50% likelihood	-0.039233355	-0.044130658	-0.035365067
  2029	50% likelihood	-0.098358476	-0.104908825	-0.090516712
  2030	50% likelihood	-0.074584007	-0.078390891	-0.068306482
  2031	50% likelihood	-0.010743359	-0.021607936	-0.00352072
  2022	90% likelihood	0.128212597	0.063330757	0.180622705
  2023	90% likelihood	0.142770645	0.092618825	0.186396555
  2024	90% likelihood	0.026406939	-0.00132159	0.043811552
  2025	90% likelihood	0.021057624	0.008203512	0.029873081
  2026	90% likelihood	-0.135143815	-0.177121181	-0.09834118
  2027	90% likelihood	-0.03941463	-0.068286186	-0.022048098
  2028	90% likelihood	-0.039233355	-0.05106381	-0.030412669
  2029	90% likelihood	-0.098358476	-0.115789483	-0.083539819
  2030	90% likelihood	-0.074584007	-0.08859649	-0.063325344
  2031	90% likelihood	-0.010743359	-0.025824366	-0.002008168
  2022	99% likelihood	0.128212597	0.000684842	0.20346931
  2023	99% likelihood	0.142770645	0.07393755	0.226510714
  2024	99% likelihood	0.026406939	-0.01049748	0.054134897
  2025	99% likelihood	0.021057624	0.004144319	0.035543813
  2026	99% likelihood	-0.135143815	-0.189304303	-0.078361265
  2027	99% likelihood	-0.03941463	-0.074198958	-0.017825249
  2028	99% likelihood	-0.039233355	-0.055763489	-0.025707474
  2029	99% likelihood	-0.098358476	-0.121005612	-0.072327496
  2030	99% likelihood	-0.074584007	-0.092156755	-0.056707126
  2031	99% likelihood	-0.010743359	-0.030307217	-0.001656283
  Year	Range	Central	Lower	Upper
  2022	50% likelihood	0.166399897	0.126012728	0.194206436
  2023	50% likelihood	0.29200842	0.248268643	0.319787597
  2024	50% likelihood	0.135762614	0.111594575	0.15425713
  2025	50% likelihood	0.047368277	0.035636094	0.051633087
  2026	50% likelihood	0.044648766	0.018567437	0.061856117
  2027	50% likelihood	0.009207576	-0.006287051	0.023084227
  2028	50% likelihood	0.013932135	0.005943725	0.021095563
  2029	50% likelihood	-0.015254446	-0.019312604	-0.015026963
  2030	50% likelihood	-0.021489547	-0.023851622	-0.021069273
  2031	50% likelihood	-0.017709825	-0.01910743	-0.016851617
  2022	90% likelihood	0.166399897	0.081448047	0.237126841
  2023	90% likelihood	0.29200842	0.198912593	0.384255263
  2024	90% likelihood	0.135762614	0.087169875	0.187082283
  2025	90% likelihood	0.047368277	0.025348321	0.063292553
  2026	90% likelihood	0.044648766	-0.012506823	0.086927948
  2027	90% likelihood	0.009207576	-0.029119667	0.041372949
  2028	90% likelihood	0.013932135	-0.004038608	0.032775103
  2029	90% likelihood	-0.015254446	-0.022725287	-0.011540152
  2030	90% likelihood	-0.021489547	-0.026851071	-0.018367368
  2031	90% likelihood	-0.017709825	-0.022160023	-0.014563325
  2022	99% likelihood	0.166399897	0.000907223	0.269050683
  2023	99% likelihood	0.29200842	0.164341851	0.460734687
  2024	99% likelihood	0.135762614	0.065213951	0.209140371
  2025	99% likelihood	0.047368277	0.018585392	0.073461373
  2026	99% likelihood	0.044648766	-0.018406535	0.109571747
  2027	99% likelihood	0.009207576	-0.034892445	0.05383824
  2028	99% likelihood	0.013932135	-0.007756444	0.040208464
  2029	99% likelihood	-0.015254446	-0.025119334	-0.009136296
  2030	99% likelihood	-0.021489547	-0.029295429	-0.016515489
  2031	99% likelihood	-0.017709825	-0.024220521	-0.013192777