Key Points
Past efforts to boost retirement savings of low-income households have not led to material account balances for households upon retirement.
At the same time, we project that the federal government will spend about $1.25 trillion over the next decade to subsidize retirement savings in 401k and similar retirement plans that mostly benefit higher-income households.
Shifting this expenditure to lower-income households would have little impact on retirement savings by higher income households but would create account balances over $200,000 at retirement age for low-income households after adjusting for risk.
Automatic Retirement Savings Plans for Low-Income Households
A rapidly aging population combined with public policies, including the Pension Protection Act of 2006, have appeared to have little impact on retirement savings for lower-income Americans. Between 1989 and 2022, households with incomes below the 80th percentile saw the average value of their retirement accounts grow slower than the value of the stock market itself, even without reinvestment of dividends.1 Retirement accounts held by households in the bottom half of the income distribution fell relative to the top half of the income distribution over the same period.2 Consistently, a leading team of researchers---whose previous work played a major role in encouraging automatic enrollment in 401(k) plans---has found that auto-enrollment has produced smaller increases in retirement savings than previously predicted.3
The level of retirement savings by low-income households could be sufficient to meet personal retirement expenses if the nation’s major old-age entitlement programs, including Social Security and Medicare, continue to pay benefits as scheduled. However, these programs also face large financial shortfalls. Put differently, boosting low-income retirement accounts could also place less pressure on the nation’s entitlement programs over time. Larger personal savings accounts could also enable low-income households to leave more assets to their heirs beyond housing assets. Greater inter-generational monetary transfers could also help reduce liquidity constraints of heirs, including for funding future education.
The illustrative retirement plan is assumed to begin in 2025. It has the following design and qualifications:
The federal government creates personal individual investment accounts at a custodian.4 Individual eligibility is based on the existing Earned Income Tax Credit criteria for administrative efficiency and some adjustments specific to retirement accounts. The individual must be between ages 25 and 64, cannot be listed as “a dependent” on another tax filer’s return, and must have investment income below $10,000 (in 2020 dollars, indexed over time using the chain CPI).5
All contributions are made by the federal government---without any contribution by the individual beneficiaries or employers. Annual federal contributions are proportional to the individual’s earned income, subject to cap and phase-out based on AGI. We present analysis for three different variations that differ only in the maximum dollar contribution per year.
Small: 10% contribution rate of earned income; annual maximum contribution of $2,000; contributions are phased-out at a rate of 30 percent starting at $50,000 of earned income. All dollar values indexed to Chained CPI. In 2030, we project that about 56 million individual accounts would receive deposits under this variation.
Medium: 10% contribution rate of earned income; annual maximum contribution of $2,250; contributions are phased-out at a rate of 30 percent starting at $50,000 of earned income. All dollar values indexed to Chained CPI. In 2030, we project that about 57 million individual accounts would receive deposits under this variation.
Big: 10% contribution rate of earned income; annual maximum contribution of $2,500; contributions are phased-out at a rate of 30 percent starting at $50,000 of earned income. All dollar values indexed to Chained CPI. In 2030, we project that about 58 million individual accounts would receive deposits under this variation.
Figure 1 shows that level of annual dollar contributions by earned income in 2025 for each variation:
Asset values accrue over time with investment returns and interest payments. Contributions, growth, and withdrawals are tax-exempt, much like a Health Savings Accounts but without the requirement to use the assets for health expenditures in retirement. Assets can be withdrawn by an individual upon reaching age 65. Like standard investment accounts, asset balances are fully and immediately bequeathable upon death to selected beneficiaries, whether death occurs prior or after retirement.
Importantly, as none of the contributions are made by individuals or their employers, all contributions and accrued interest are inaccessible until either reaching the minimum retirement age of 65 or upon death. Allowing for early access, including “hardship withdrawals,” would almost certainly unwind most of the accumulation in these accounts. Early withdrawals are especially likely to occur in accounts that are mostly intended to help low-income households build wealth.6
As the new retirement accounts work through the existing EITC tax administration, the associated costs are represented as negative revenue. Table 1 presents the 10-year revenue costs for the Small, Medium, and Big plan variations. Notice that the 10-year revenue losses range from about $1.1 trillion to $1.4 trillion.
Policy | Revenue estimate (2025-2034) |
Repeal retirement account exclusion | 1,243.5 |
FRP Small | -1,138.3 |
FRP Medium | -1,262.6 |
FRP Big | -1,380.6 |
Table 1 also presents our 10-year revenue estimate of eliminating the above-the-line deduction for employee contributions to employer-based retirement account contributions that exist under current law. This exclusion currently allows traditional 401 (k), 403 (b), and similar employer-based plans to receive favorable tax treatment by making contributions to retirement accounts on a tax preferred basis.7 We estimate that disallowing this deduction would produce a revenue increase of about $1.2 trillion over the 10-year budget window. This revenue gain is almost the same cost as the Medium plan option. The revenue gain does not include potential additional revenue that could be achieved by eliminating tax preferences for Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA). We anticipate that some shifting of saving toward IRA’s could occur depending on rule design.
Figures 2-10 show potential account balances based on average annual wage earnings and the selected account Plan option. The nominal (before-inflation) annual investment return is set at 3 percent, reflecting a risk-adjusted return without expected returns to risky equities. The Appendix presents some variation around this investment return.
For each figure, the green bar indicates the annual contribution made by the government for the individual, given the individual’s earned income and the phase-out schedule. The blue line shows the total cumulative account balance including interest earned, before any withdrawals. A gray region represents a simulated year with no earned income due to voluntary or involuntary unemployment.8 A year with white (no gray or green) indicates a year where income is large enough that no contribution is made (fully phased out). The red line represents the year in which the individual turns 65. We do not include withdrawals after age 65, so in practice account balances (blue lines) could look different with withdrawals. Instead, the purpose of the blue line is to show maximum wealth accumulation if withdrawals were posted to the shown year or bequeathed upon death.
We consider three types of hypothetical savers:
Person A, who is 24 years old in 2025, has the lowest average annual income considered ($12,700) and receives a modest deposit almost every year.9 Over their working age years, this account balance grows to about $125,000 by age 65, depending on scenario.
Person B, 26 years old in 2025, is also low income but typically has more earned income ($27,900) than Person A. They receive larger deposits every year (the scenario maximum in many years). They experience a brief spell of unemployment in their late 50’s/early 60’s, therefore receiving no deposits, but the balance continues to grow even in those years due to interest. Over their working years, the account balance grows to between $150,000 and $200,000 by age 65, scenario dependent.
Person C, 24 years old in 2025, has the highest average annual earnings among the individuals we consider ($59,300). Early in their career, when their annual earnings are lower, they receive deposits in their account, but as they enter prime working age years, their income grows such that they are no longer eligible for annual deposits. Their account balance continues to grow during this time with interest, and in their late career as their annual earnings stagnate/decline, they receive additional deposits. This results in a cumulative balance between $100,000 and $125,000 by age 65.
Note: Gray regions indicate years with no earned income.
Note: Gray regions indicate years with no earned income.
Note: Gray regions indicate years with no earned income.
Note: Gray regions indicate years with no earned income.
Note: Gray regions indicate years with no earned income.
Note: Gray regions indicate years with no earned income.
Note: Gray regions indicate years with no earned income.
Note: Gray regions indicate years with no earned income.
Note: Gray regions indicate years with no earned income.
Table 2 reports the projected percent change in after-tax income for repealing the retirement account deduction (the pay-for) along with each policy option (Small, Medium and Big). As shown in previous analysis, the after-tax income gain for the current retirement account deduction mostly accrues to higher-income households. Those in the top 0.1 percent gain a bit less due to contribution limits under current law. In contrast, the three policy options (Small, Medium and Big) shift gains to lower-income households.
Percent change in after-tax income, including FRP deposits (2030) | |||||||||
Income Quantile | |||||||||
Policy | First quintile | Second quintile | Middle quintile | Fourth quintile | 80-90% | 90-95% | 95-99% | 99-99.9% | Top 0.1% |
Repeal retirement account deduction | 0.0% | -0.2% | -0.4% | -0.7% | -1.3% | -1.7% | -1.9% | -1.0% | -0.2% |
FRP Small | 4.9% | 5.2% | 2.4% | 0.8% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% |
FRP Medium | 4.9% | 5.6% | 2.7% | 0.9% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% |
FRP Big | 5.0% | 6.0% | 3.0% | 1.1% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% |
Table 3 reports the projected after-tax income that combines repealing the current-law deduction while adding the shown policy option. For example, Small includes the incidence associated with repealing the current retirement account deduction along with implementing the new Small illustrative plan. Since current law mostly benefits higher-income households while the new plans mostly benefit lower-income households, the combined incidence for higher-income households mostly stems from the loss of the current retirement account deduction while the combined incidence for lower-income households mostly stems from the gain from the new plan.
Percent change in after-tax income, including FRP deposits (2030) | |||||||||
Income Quantile | |||||||||
Policy bundle | First quintile | Second quintile | Middle quintile | Fourth quintile | 80-90% | 90-95% | 95-99% | 99-99.9% | Top 0.1% |
Small | 4.9% | 5.0% | 2.0% | 0.0% | -1.3% | -1.7% | -1.9% | -1.0% | -0.2% |
Medium | 4.9% | 5.5% | 2.3% | 0.2% | -1.3% | -1.7% | -1.9% | -1.0% | -0.2% |
Big | 5.0% | 5.8% | 2.6% | 0.3% | -1.3% | -1.7% | -1.9% | -1.0% | -0.2% |
Table 4 reports the projected share of tax units receiving deposits and the average size of those deposits. Within each of the first four quintiles, as many as 76% of tax units receive a deposit in 2030, with average deposit amounts ranging from $1065 to $3930 depending on scenario and quantile. In contrast, tax units in the top quantile receive little.
Share of tax units receiving FRP deposits and average size of FRP deposits by unit (2030) | ||||||||||
Income Quantile | ||||||||||
Policy | First quintile | Second quintile | Middle quintile | Fourth quintile | 80-90% | 90-95% | 95-99% | 99-99.9% | Top 0.1% | |
FRP Small | Share receiving deposit | 56% | 76% | 46% | 23% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% |
Average deposit amount | $1,065 | $2,375 | $3,215 | $3,270 | - | - | - | - | - | |
FRP Medium | Share receiving deposit | 56% | 76% | 47% | 24% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% |
Average deposit amount | $1,065 | $2,575 | $3,525 | $3,605 | - | - | - | - | - | |
FRP Big | Share receiving deposit | 56% | 76% | 48% | 25% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% |
Average deposit amount | $1,070 | $2,735 | $3,815 | $3,930 | - | - | - | - | - |
Table 5 reports annual conventional revenue estimates of each new policy option (Small, Medium, Large) by year.
Provision | 2025 | 2026 | 2027 | 2028 | 2029 | 2030 | 2031 | 2032 | 2033 | 2034 | Total, 2025-2034 |
FRP Small | 0.0 | -124.4 | -124.2 | -125.9 | -125.4 | -126.4 | -127.0 | -127.6 | -128.0 | -129.4 | -1,138.3 |
FRP Medium | 0.0 | -137.8 | -137.6 | -139.6 | -139.1 | -140.3 | -140.9 | -141.6 | -142.0 | -143.7 | -1,262.6 |
FRP Big | 0.0 | -150.5 | -150.4 | -152.5 | -152.1 | -153.4 | -154.1 | -154.9 | -155.4 | -157.3 | -1,380.6 |
Table 6 reports annual conventional revenue estimates for repealing the current-law retirement deduction.
Provision | 2025 | 2026 | 2027 | 2028 | 2029 | 2030 | 2031 | 2032 | 2033 | 2034 | Total, 2025-2034 |
Repeal retirement account exclusion | 20.3 | 104.1 | 123.2 | 126.8 | 132.2 | 137.2 | 142.2 | 147.3 | 152.7 | 157.5 | 1,243.5 |
These estimates do not include macroeconomic feedback effects associated with changes in the capital stock.
For Person C, the following figure shows how account balances vary by the interest rate assumption. The case of 3 percent return is the same as provided already in the main text, and it is provided here for comparison.
Note: Gray regions indicate years with no earned income.
Note: Gray regions indicate years with no earned income.
Note: Gray regions indicate years with no earned income.
This analysis was conducted by Brendan Novak under the direction of Kent Smetters who helped write this brief. Mariko Paulson prepared the brief for the website.
Even a less risky 60/40 stock-bond portfolio grew faster than the size of retirement accounts for most American households.;demographic:inccat;population:3;units:median;range:1989,2022 ↩
Even if measured as total wealth, wealth held by the bottom half of the income distribution fell relative to the top half of the income distribution over the same period. ↩
Choi, James J., David Laibson, Jordan Cammarota, Richard Lombardo, and John Beshears. Smaller than We Thought? The Effect of Automatic Savings Policies. No. w32828. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2024. ↩
For our purposes, we do not take a position whether these accounts are established at an integrated broker-custodian such at the Thrift Savings Plan or bid out to a private sector provider. Like TSP, we assume that the additional costs are minimal. ↩
This limit comes from the EITC rules which is statutorily set to $10,000 in 2020 dollars. We project that to be about $11,800 in 2025. ↩
PWBM is currently reviewing the related literature on early withdrawals and will issue an explainer later. ↩
Generally, traditional 401 (k) and similar plans allow for pre-tax contributions along with taxes paid on future withdrawals; Roth plans allow for post-tax contributions along with no taxes paid on future withdrawals. Each type of plan is subject to specific rules and qualifications. ↩
For any microsimulation, the exact year of unemployment will change. The shown results are representative in age-adjusted frequency. ↩
Average income during working years in nominal wages. At ages below 25, no contribution is made. ↩
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Year PersonID Age WageIncome AgeFirstYear AgeofDeath MeanEarnings frp_deposit frp_balance r scenario 2024 258854 23 15033 23 79 12735 0 0 0.03 FRP_Small 2025 258854 24 12935 23 79 12735 0 0 0.03 FRP_Small 2026 258854 25 12714 23 79 12735 1271.4 1271.4 0.03 FRP_Small 2027 258854 26 16701 23 79 12735 1670.1 2979.642 0.03 FRP_Small 2028 258854 27 10990 23 79 12735 1099 4168.03126 0.03 FRP_Small 2029 258854 28 22471 23 79 12735 2136 6429.072198 0.03 FRP_Small 2030 258854 29 11389 23 79 12735 1138.9 7760.844364 0.03 FRP_Small 2031 258854 30 16932 23 79 12735 1693.2 9686.869695 0.03 FRP_Small 2032 258854 31 0 23 79 12735 0 9977.475785 0.03 FRP_Small 2033 258854 32 10864 23 79 12735 1086.4 11363.20006 0.03 FRP_Small 2034 258854 33 16177 23 79 12735 1617.7 13321.79606 0.03 FRP_Small 2035 258854 34 6354 23 79 12735 635.4 14356.84994 0.03 FRP_Small 2036 258854 35 8149 23 79 12735 814.9 15602.45544 0.03 FRP_Small 2037 258854 36 14847 23 79 12735 1484.7 17555.2291 0.03 FRP_Small 2038 258854 37 15302 23 79 12735 1530.2 19612.08598 0.03 FRP_Small 2039 258854 38 11684 23 79 12735 1168.4 21368.84856 0.03 FRP_Small 2040 258854 39 13479 23 79 12735 1347.9 23357.81401 0.03 FRP_Small 2041 258854 40 18899 23 79 12735 1889.9 25948.44843 0.03 FRP_Small 2042 258854 41 16857 23 79 12735 1685.7 28412.60189 0.03 FRP_Small 2043 258854 42 13648 23 79 12735 1364.8 30629.77994 0.03 FRP_Small 2044 258854 43 17476 23 79 12735 1747.6 33296.27334 0.03 FRP_Small 2045 258854 44 21897 23 79 12735 2189.7 36484.86154 0.03 FRP_Small 2046 258854 45 27403 23 79 12735 2740.3 40319.70739 0.03 FRP_Small 2047 258854 46 0 23 79 12735 0 41529.29861 0.03 FRP_Small 2048 258854 47 0 23 79 12735 0 42775.17757 0.03 FRP_Small 2049 258854 48 46791 23 79 12735 2940 46998.4329 0.03 FRP_Small 2050 258854 49 20886 23 79 12735 2088.6 50496.98588 0.03 FRP_Small 2051 258854 50 22497 23 79 12735 2249.7 54261.59546 0.03 FRP_Small 2052 258854 51 13041 23 79 12735 1304.1 57193.54332 0.03 FRP_Small 2053 258854 52 26412 23 79 12735 2641.2 61550.54962 0.03 FRP_Small 2054 258854 53 24628 23 79 12735 2462.8 65859.86611 0.03 FRP_Small 2055 258854 54 9975 23 79 12735 997.5 68833.16209 0.03 FRP_Small 2056 258854 55 18961 23 79 12735 1896.1 72794.25696 0.03 FRP_Small 2057 258854 56 25510 23 79 12735 2551 77529.08467 0.03 FRP_Small 2058 258854 57 14402 23 79 12735 1440.2 81295.15721 0.03 FRP_Small 2059 258854 58 25225 23 79 12735 2522.5 86256.51192 0.03 FRP_Small 2060 258854 59 25772 23 79 12735 2577.2 91421.40728 0.03 FRP_Small 2061 258854 60 34695 23 79 12735 3469.5 97633.5495 0.03 FRP_Small 2062 258854 61 37292 23 79 12735 3619 104181.556 0.03 FRP_Small 2063 258854 62 47607 23 79 12735 3678 110985.0027 0.03 FRP_Small 2064 258854 63 0 23 79 12735 0 114314.5527 0.03 FRP_Small 2065 258854 64 0 23 79 12735 0 117743.9893 0.03 FRP_Small 2066 258854 65 0 23 79 12735 0 121276.309 0.03 FRP_Small 2067 258854 66 0 23 79 12735 0 124914.5983 0.03 FRP_Small 2068 258854 67 0 23 79 12735 0 128662.0362 0.03 FRP_Small 2069 258854 68 0 23 79 12735 0 132521.8973 0.03 FRP_Small 2070 258854 69 0 23 79 12735 0 136497.5542 0.03 FRP_Small 2071 258854 70 0 23 79 12735 0 140592.4809 0.03 FRP_Small 2072 258854 71 0 23 79 12735 0 144810.2553 0.03 FRP_Small 2073 258854 72 0 23 79 12735 0 149154.5629 0.03 FRP_Small 2074 258854 73 0 23 79 12735 0 153629.1998 0.03 FRP_Small 2075 258854 74 0 23 79 12735 0 158238.0758 0.03 FRP_Small 2076 258854 75 0 23 79 12735 0 162985.2181 0.03 FRP_Small 2077 258854 76 0 23 79 12735 0 167874.7746 0.03 FRP_Small 2078 258854 77 0 23 79 12735 0 172911.0179 0.03 FRP_Small 2079 258854 78 0 23 79 12735 0 178098.3484 0.03 FRP_Small 2080 258854 79 0 23 79 12735 0 183441.2989 0.03 FRP_Small
Year PersonID Age WageIncome AgeFirstYear AgeofDeath MeanEarnings frp_deposit frp_balance r scenario 2024 258854 23 15033 23 79 12735 0 0 0.03 FRP_Med 2025 258854 24 12935 23 79 12735 0 0 0.03 FRP_Med 2026 258854 25 12714 23 79 12735 1271.4 1271.4 0.03 FRP_Med 2027 258854 26 16701 23 79 12735 1670.1 2979.642 0.03 FRP_Med 2028 258854 27 10990 23 79 12735 1099 4168.03126 0.03 FRP_Med 2029 258854 28 22471 23 79 12735 2247.1 6540.172198 0.03 FRP_Med 2030 258854 29 11389 23 79 12735 1138.9 7875.277364 0.03 FRP_Med 2031 258854 30 16932 23 79 12735 1693.2 9804.735685 0.03 FRP_Med 2032 258854 31 0 23 79 12735 0 10098.87776 0.03 FRP_Med 2033 258854 32 10864 23 79 12735 1086.4 11488.24409 0.03 FRP_Med 2034 258854 33 16177 23 79 12735 1617.7 13450.59141 0.03 FRP_Med 2035 258854 34 6354 23 79 12735 635.4 14489.50915 0.03 FRP_Med 2036 258854 35 8149 23 79 12735 814.9 15739.09443 0.03 FRP_Med 2037 258854 36 14847 23 79 12735 1484.7 17695.96726 0.03 FRP_Med 2038 258854 37 15302 23 79 12735 1530.2 19757.04628 0.03 FRP_Med 2039 258854 38 11684 23 79 12735 1168.4 21518.15767 0.03 FRP_Med 2040 258854 39 13479 23 79 12735 1347.9 23511.6024 0.03 FRP_Med 2041 258854 40 18899 23 79 12735 1889.9 26106.85047 0.03 FRP_Med 2042 258854 41 16857 23 79 12735 1685.7 28575.75598 0.03 FRP_Med 2043 258854 42 13648 23 79 12735 1364.8 30797.82866 0.03 FRP_Med 2044 258854 43 17476 23 79 12735 1747.6 33469.36352 0.03 FRP_Med 2045 258854 44 21897 23 79 12735 2189.7 36663.14443 0.03 FRP_Med 2046 258854 45 27403 23 79 12735 2740.3 40503.33876 0.03 FRP_Med 2047 258854 46 0 23 79 12735 0 41718.43892 0.03 FRP_Med 2048 258854 47 0 23 79 12735 0 42969.99209 0.03 FRP_Med 2049 258854 48 46791 23 79 12735 3308 47567.09185 0.03 FRP_Med 2050 258854 49 20886 23 79 12735 2088.6 51082.70461 0.03 FRP_Med 2051 258854 50 22497 23 79 12735 2249.7 54864.88575 0.03 FRP_Med 2052 258854 51 13041 23 79 12735 1304.1 57814.93232 0.03 FRP_Med 2053 258854 52 26412 23 79 12735 2641.2 62190.58029 0.03 FRP_Med 2054 258854 53 24628 23 79 12735 2462.8 66519.0977 0.03 FRP_Med 2055 258854 54 9975 23 79 12735 997.5 69512.17063 0.03 FRP_Med 2056 258854 55 18961 23 79 12735 1896.1 73493.63575 0.03 FRP_Med 2057 258854 56 25510 23 79 12735 2551 78249.44482 0.03 FRP_Med 2058 258854 57 14402 23 79 12735 1440.2 82037.12816 0.03 FRP_Med 2059 258854 58 25225 23 79 12735 2522.5 87020.74201 0.03 FRP_Med 2060 258854 59 25772 23 79 12735 2577.2 92208.56427 0.03 FRP_Med 2061 258854 60 34695 23 79 12735 3469.5 98444.3212 0.03 FRP_Med 2062 258854 61 37292 23 79 12735 3729.2 105126.8508 0.03 FRP_Med 2063 258854 62 47607 23 79 12735 4138 112418.6564 0.03 FRP_Med 2064 258854 63 0 23 79 12735 0 115791.216 0.03 FRP_Med 2065 258854 64 0 23 79 12735 0 119264.9525 0.03 FRP_Med 2066 258854 65 0 23 79 12735 0 122842.9011 0.03 FRP_Med 2067 258854 66 0 23 79 12735 0 126528.1881 0.03 FRP_Med 2068 258854 67 0 23 79 12735 0 130324.0338 0.03 FRP_Med 2069 258854 68 0 23 79 12735 0 134233.7548 0.03 FRP_Med 2070 258854 69 0 23 79 12735 0 138260.7674 0.03 FRP_Med 2071 258854 70 0 23 79 12735 0 142408.5905 0.03 FRP_Med 2072 258854 71 0 23 79 12735 0 146680.8482 0.03 FRP_Med 2073 258854 72 0 23 79 12735 0 151081.2736 0.03 FRP_Med 2074 258854 73 0 23 79 12735 0 155613.7118 0.03 FRP_Med 2075 258854 74 0 23 79 12735 0 160282.1232 0.03 FRP_Med 2076 258854 75 0 23 79 12735 0 165090.5869 0.03 FRP_Med 2077 258854 76 0 23 79 12735 0 170043.3045 0.03 FRP_Med 2078 258854 77 0 23 79 12735 0 175144.6036 0.03 FRP_Med 2079 258854 78 0 23 79 12735 0 180398.9417 0.03 FRP_Med 2080 258854 79 0 23 79 12735 0 185810.91 0.03 FRP_Med
Year PersonID Age WageIncome AgeFirstYear AgeofDeath MeanEarnings frp_deposit frp_balance r scenario 2024 258854 23 15033 23 79 12735 0 0 0.03 FRP_Big 2025 258854 24 12935 23 79 12735 0 0 0.03 FRP_Big 2026 258854 25 12714 23 79 12735 1271.4 1271.4 0.03 FRP_Big 2027 258854 26 16701 23 79 12735 1670.1 2979.642 0.03 FRP_Big 2028 258854 27 10990 23 79 12735 1099 4168.03126 0.03 FRP_Big 2029 258854 28 22471 23 79 12735 2247.1 6540.172198 0.03 FRP_Big 2030 258854 29 11389 23 79 12735 1138.9 7875.277364 0.03 FRP_Big 2031 258854 30 16932 23 79 12735 1693.2 9804.735685 0.03 FRP_Big 2032 258854 31 0 23 79 12735 0 10098.87776 0.03 FRP_Big 2033 258854 32 10864 23 79 12735 1086.4 11488.24409 0.03 FRP_Big 2034 258854 33 16177 23 79 12735 1617.7 13450.59141 0.03 FRP_Big 2035 258854 34 6354 23 79 12735 635.4 14489.50915 0.03 FRP_Big 2036 258854 35 8149 23 79 12735 814.9 15739.09443 0.03 FRP_Big 2037 258854 36 14847 23 79 12735 1484.7 17695.96726 0.03 FRP_Big 2038 258854 37 15302 23 79 12735 1530.2 19757.04628 0.03 FRP_Big 2039 258854 38 11684 23 79 12735 1168.4 21518.15767 0.03 FRP_Big 2040 258854 39 13479 23 79 12735 1347.9 23511.6024 0.03 FRP_Big 2041 258854 40 18899 23 79 12735 1889.9 26106.85047 0.03 FRP_Big 2042 258854 41 16857 23 79 12735 1685.7 28575.75598 0.03 FRP_Big 2043 258854 42 13648 23 79 12735 1364.8 30797.82866 0.03 FRP_Big 2044 258854 43 17476 23 79 12735 1747.6 33469.36352 0.03 FRP_Big 2045 258854 44 21897 23 79 12735 2189.7 36663.14443 0.03 FRP_Big 2046 258854 45 27403 23 79 12735 2740.3 40503.33876 0.03 FRP_Big 2047 258854 46 0 23 79 12735 0 41718.43892 0.03 FRP_Big 2048 258854 47 0 23 79 12735 0 42969.99209 0.03 FRP_Big 2049 258854 48 46791 23 79 12735 3675 47934.09185 0.03 FRP_Big 2050 258854 49 20886 23 79 12735 2088.6 51460.71461 0.03 FRP_Big 2051 258854 50 22497 23 79 12735 2249.7 55254.23605 0.03 FRP_Big 2052 258854 51 13041 23 79 12735 1304.1 58215.96313 0.03 FRP_Big 2053 258854 52 26412 23 79 12735 2641.2 62603.64202 0.03 FRP_Big 2054 258854 53 24628 23 79 12735 2462.8 66944.55128 0.03 FRP_Big 2055 258854 54 9975 23 79 12735 997.5 69950.38782 0.03 FRP_Big 2056 258854 55 18961 23 79 12735 1896.1 73944.99946 0.03 FRP_Big 2057 258854 56 25510 23 79 12735 2551 78714.34944 0.03 FRP_Big 2058 258854 57 14402 23 79 12735 1440.2 82515.97992 0.03 FRP_Big 2059 258854 58 25225 23 79 12735 2522.5 87513.95932 0.03 FRP_Big 2060 258854 59 25772 23 79 12735 2577.2 92716.5781 0.03 FRP_Big 2061 258854 60 34695 23 79 12735 3469.5 98967.57544 0.03 FRP_Big 2062 258854 61 37292 23 79 12735 3729.2 105665.8027 0.03 FRP_Big 2063 258854 62 47607 23 79 12735 4598 113433.7768 0.03 FRP_Big 2064 258854 63 0 23 79 12735 0 116836.7901 0.03 FRP_Big 2065 258854 64 0 23 79 12735 0 120341.8938 0.03 FRP_Big 2066 258854 65 0 23 79 12735 0 123952.1506 0.03 FRP_Big 2067 258854 66 0 23 79 12735 0 127670.7151 0.03 FRP_Big 2068 258854 67 0 23 79 12735 0 131500.8366 0.03 FRP_Big 2069 258854 68 0 23 79 12735 0 135445.8617 0.03 FRP_Big 2070 258854 69 0 23 79 12735 0 139509.2375 0.03 FRP_Big 2071 258854 70 0 23 79 12735 0 143694.5147 0.03 FRP_Big 2072 258854 71 0 23 79 12735 0 148005.3501 0.03 FRP_Big 2073 258854 72 0 23 79 12735 0 152445.5106 0.03 FRP_Big 2074 258854 73 0 23 79 12735 0 157018.8759 0.03 FRP_Big 2075 258854 74 0 23 79 12735 0 161729.4422 0.03 FRP_Big 2076 258854 75 0 23 79 12735 0 166581.3255 0.03 FRP_Big 2077 258854 76 0 23 79 12735 0 171578.7652 0.03 FRP_Big 2078 258854 77 0 23 79 12735 0 176726.1282 0.03 FRP_Big 2079 258854 78 0 23 79 12735 0 182027.912 0.03 FRP_Big 2080 258854 79 0 23 79 12735 0 187488.7494 0.03 FRP_Big
Year PersonID Age WageIncome AgeFirstYear AgeofDeath MeanEarnings frp_deposit frp_balance r scenario 2024 243604 25 10108 25 81 27929.33333 0 0 0.03 FRP_Small 2025 243604 26 12277 25 81 27929.33333 1227.7 1227.7 0.03 FRP_Small 2026 243604 27 22318 25 81 27929.33333 2036 3300.531 0.03 FRP_Small 2027 243604 28 28789 25 81 27929.33333 2069 5468.54693 0.03 FRP_Small 2028 243604 29 17582 25 81 27929.33333 1758.2 7390.803338 0.03 FRP_Small 2029 243604 30 39809 25 81 27929.33333 2136 9748.527438 0.03 FRP_Small 2030 243604 31 26865 25 81 27929.33333 2171 12211.98326 0.03 FRP_Small 2031 243604 32 20889 25 81 27929.33333 2088.9 14667.24276 0.03 FRP_Small 2032 243604 33 28509 25 81 27929.33333 2241 17348.26004 0.03 FRP_Small 2033 243604 34 17927 25 81 27929.33333 1792.7 19661.40784 0.03 FRP_Small 2034 243604 35 16624 25 81 27929.33333 1662.4 21913.65008 0.03 FRP_Small 2035 243604 36 17812 25 81 27929.33333 1781.2 24352.25958 0.03 FRP_Small 2036 243604 37 22907 25 81 27929.33333 2290.7 27373.52737 0.03 FRP_Small 2037 243604 38 22182 25 81 27929.33333 2218.2 30412.93319 0.03 FRP_Small 2038 243604 39 36629 25 81 27929.33333 2467 33792.32118 0.03 FRP_Small 2039 243604 40 14433 25 81 27929.33333 1443.3 36249.39082 0.03 FRP_Small 2040 243604 41 27867 25 81 27929.33333 2547 39883.87254 0.03 FRP_Small 2041 243604 42 26829 25 81 27929.33333 2588 43668.38872 0.03 FRP_Small 2042 243604 43 31541 25 81 27929.33333 2629 47607.44038 0.03 FRP_Small 2043 243604 44 44487 25 81 27929.33333 2672 51707.66359 0.03 FRP_Small 2044 243604 45 43139 25 81 27929.33333 2715 55973.8935 0.03 FRP_Small 2045 243604 46 46349 25 81 27929.33333 2758 60411.11031 0.03 FRP_Small 2046 243604 47 45074 25 81 27929.33333 2803 65026.44362 0.03 FRP_Small 2047 243604 48 58121 25 81 27929.33333 2848 69825.23693 0.03 FRP_Small 2048 243604 49 36274 25 81 27929.33333 2894 74813.99403 0.03 FRP_Small 2049 243604 50 20037 25 81 27929.33333 2003.7 79062.11385 0.03 FRP_Small 2050 243604 51 54444 25 81 27929.33333 2988 84421.97727 0.03 FRP_Small 2051 243604 52 39409 25 81 27929.33333 3036 89990.63659 0.03 FRP_Small 2052 243604 53 39403 25 81 27929.33333 3085 95775.35569 0.03 FRP_Small 2053 243604 54 31739 25 81 27929.33333 3134 101782.6164 0.03 FRP_Small 2054 243604 55 40244 25 81 27929.33333 3185 108021.0948 0.03 FRP_Small 2055 243604 56 54268 25 81 27929.33333 3236 114497.7277 0.03 FRP_Small 2056 243604 57 40619 25 81 27929.33333 3288 121220.6595 0.03 FRP_Small 2057 243604 58 59942 25 81 27929.33333 3341 128198.2793 0.03 FRP_Small 2058 243604 59 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 132044.2277 0.03 FRP_Small 2059 243604 60 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 136005.5545 0.03 FRP_Small 2060 243604 61 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 140085.7212 0.03 FRP_Small 2061 243604 62 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 144288.2928 0.03 FRP_Small 2062 243604 63 50440 25 81 27929.33333 3619 152235.9416 0.03 FRP_Small 2063 243604 64 94066 25 81 27929.33333 3043.2 159846.2198 0.03 FRP_Small 2064 243604 65 115084 25 81 27929.33333 0 164641.6064 0.03 FRP_Small 2065 243604 66 36321 25 81 27929.33333 0 169580.8546 0.03 FRP_Small 2066 243604 67 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 174668.2802 0.03 FRP_Small 2067 243604 68 77244 25 81 27929.33333 0 179908.3287 0.03 FRP_Small 2068 243604 69 123371 25 81 27929.33333 0 185305.5785 0.03 FRP_Small 2069 243604 70 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 190864.7459 0.03 FRP_Small 2070 243604 71 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 196590.6882 0.03 FRP_Small 2071 243604 72 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 202488.4089 0.03 FRP_Small 2072 243604 73 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 208563.0612 0.03 FRP_Small 2073 243604 74 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 214819.953 0.03 FRP_Small 2074 243604 75 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 221264.5516 0.03 FRP_Small 2075 243604 76 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 227902.4881 0.03 FRP_Small 2076 243604 77 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 234739.5628 0.03 FRP_Small 2077 243604 78 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 241781.7497 0.03 FRP_Small 2078 243604 79 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 249035.2021 0.03 FRP_Small 2079 243604 80 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 256506.2582 0.03 FRP_Small 2080 243604 81 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 264201.446 0.03 FRP_Small
Year PersonID Age WageIncome AgeFirstYear AgeofDeath MeanEarnings frp_deposit frp_balance r scenario 2024 243604 25 10108 25 81 27929.33333 0 0 0.03 FRP_Med 2025 243604 26 12277 25 81 27929.33333 1227.7 1227.7 0.03 FRP_Med 2026 243604 27 22318 25 81 27929.33333 2231.8 3496.331 0.03 FRP_Med 2027 243604 28 28789 25 81 27929.33333 2328 5929.22093 0.03 FRP_Med 2028 243604 29 17582 25 81 27929.33333 1758.2 7865.297558 0.03 FRP_Med 2029 243604 30 39809 25 81 27929.33333 2403 10504.25648 0.03 FRP_Med 2030 243604 31 26865 25 81 27929.33333 2442 13261.38418 0.03 FRP_Med 2031 243604 32 20889 25 81 27929.33333 2088.9 15748.1257 0.03 FRP_Med 2032 243604 33 28509 25 81 27929.33333 2521 18741.56948 0.03 FRP_Med 2033 243604 34 17927 25 81 27929.33333 1792.7 21096.51656 0.03 FRP_Med 2034 243604 35 16624 25 81 27929.33333 1662.4 23391.81206 0.03 FRP_Med 2035 243604 36 17812 25 81 27929.33333 1781.2 25874.76642 0.03 FRP_Med 2036 243604 37 22907 25 81 27929.33333 2290.7 28941.70941 0.03 FRP_Med 2037 243604 38 22182 25 81 27929.33333 2218.2 32028.16069 0.03 FRP_Med 2038 243604 39 36629 25 81 27929.33333 2775 35764.00551 0.03 FRP_Med 2039 243604 40 14433 25 81 27929.33333 1443.3 38280.22568 0.03 FRP_Med 2040 243604 41 27867 25 81 27929.33333 2786.7 42215.33245 0.03 FRP_Med 2041 243604 42 26829 25 81 27929.33333 2682.9 46164.69242 0.03 FRP_Med 2042 243604 43 31541 25 81 27929.33333 2958 50507.6332 0.03 FRP_Med 2043 243604 44 44487 25 81 27929.33333 3006 55028.86219 0.03 FRP_Med 2044 243604 45 43139 25 81 27929.33333 3054 59733.72806 0.03 FRP_Med 2045 243604 46 46349 25 81 27929.33333 3103 64628.7399 0.03 FRP_Med 2046 243604 47 45074 25 81 27929.33333 3153 69720.6021 0.03 FRP_Med 2047 243604 48 58121 25 81 27929.33333 3204 75016.22016 0.03 FRP_Med 2048 243604 49 36274 25 81 27929.33333 3255 80521.70676 0.03 FRP_Med 2049 243604 50 20037 25 81 27929.33333 2003.7 84941.05797 0.03 FRP_Med 2050 243604 51 54444 25 81 27929.33333 3361 90850.28971 0.03 FRP_Med 2051 243604 52 39409 25 81 27929.33333 3415 96990.7984 0.03 FRP_Med 2052 243604 53 39403 25 81 27929.33333 3470 103370.5223 0.03 FRP_Med 2053 243604 54 31739 25 81 27929.33333 3173.9 109645.538 0.03 FRP_Med 2054 243604 55 40244 25 81 27929.33333 3583 116517.9042 0.03 FRP_Med 2055 243604 56 54268 25 81 27929.33333 3641 123654.4413 0.03 FRP_Med 2056 243604 57 40619 25 81 27929.33333 3699 131063.0745 0.03 FRP_Med 2057 243604 58 59942 25 81 27929.33333 3759 138753.9668 0.03 FRP_Med 2058 243604 59 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 142916.5858 0.03 FRP_Med 2059 243604 60 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 147204.0833 0.03 FRP_Med 2060 243604 61 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 151620.2058 0.03 FRP_Med 2061 243604 62 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 156168.812 0.03 FRP_Med 2062 243604 63 50440 25 81 27929.33333 4072 164925.8764 0.03 FRP_Med 2063 243604 64 94066 25 81 27929.33333 3503.2 173376.8527 0.03 FRP_Med 2064 243604 65 115084 25 81 27929.33333 0 178578.1582 0.03 FRP_Med 2065 243604 66 36321 25 81 27929.33333 0 183935.503 0.03 FRP_Med 2066 243604 67 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 189453.5681 0.03 FRP_Med 2067 243604 68 77244 25 81 27929.33333 0 195137.1751 0.03 FRP_Med 2068 243604 69 123371 25 81 27929.33333 0 200991.2904 0.03 FRP_Med 2069 243604 70 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 207021.0291 0.03 FRP_Med 2070 243604 71 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 213231.66 0.03 FRP_Med 2071 243604 72 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 219628.6098 0.03 FRP_Med 2072 243604 73 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 226217.468 0.03 FRP_Med 2073 243604 74 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 233003.9921 0.03 FRP_Med 2074 243604 75 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 239994.1119 0.03 FRP_Med 2075 243604 76 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 247193.9352 0.03 FRP_Med 2076 243604 77 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 254609.7533 0.03 FRP_Med 2077 243604 78 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 262248.0459 0.03 FRP_Med 2078 243604 79 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 270115.4872 0.03 FRP_Med 2079 243604 80 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 278218.9519 0.03 FRP_Med 2080 243604 81 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 286565.5204 0.03 FRP_Med
Year PersonID Age WageIncome AgeFirstYear AgeofDeath MeanEarnings frp_deposit frp_balance r scenario 2024 243604 25 10108 25 81 27929.33333 0 0 0.03 FRP_Big 2025 243604 26 12277 25 81 27929.33333 1227.7 1227.7 0.03 FRP_Big 2026 243604 27 22318 25 81 27929.33333 2231.8 3496.331 0.03 FRP_Big 2027 243604 28 28789 25 81 27929.33333 2586 6187.22093 0.03 FRP_Big 2028 243604 29 17582 25 81 27929.33333 1758.2 8131.037558 0.03 FRP_Big 2029 243604 30 39809 25 81 27929.33333 2670 11044.96868 0.03 FRP_Big 2030 243604 31 26865 25 81 27929.33333 2686.5 14062.81775 0.03 FRP_Big 2031 243604 32 20889 25 81 27929.33333 2088.9 16573.60228 0.03 FRP_Big 2032 243604 33 28509 25 81 27929.33333 2801 19871.81035 0.03 FRP_Big 2033 243604 34 17927 25 81 27929.33333 1792.7 22260.66466 0.03 FRP_Big 2034 243604 35 16624 25 81 27929.33333 1662.4 24590.8846 0.03 FRP_Big 2035 243604 36 17812 25 81 27929.33333 1781.2 27109.81113 0.03 FRP_Big 2036 243604 37 22907 25 81 27929.33333 2290.7 30213.80547 0.03 FRP_Big 2037 243604 38 22182 25 81 27929.33333 2218.2 33338.41963 0.03 FRP_Big 2038 243604 39 36629 25 81 27929.33333 3083 37421.57222 0.03 FRP_Big 2039 243604 40 14433 25 81 27929.33333 1443.3 39987.51939 0.03 FRP_Big 2040 243604 41 27867 25 81 27929.33333 2786.7 43973.84497 0.03 FRP_Big 2041 243604 42 26829 25 81 27929.33333 2682.9 47975.96032 0.03 FRP_Big 2042 243604 43 31541 25 81 27929.33333 3154.1 52569.33913 0.03 FRP_Big 2043 243604 44 44487 25 81 27929.33333 3339 57485.4193 0.03 FRP_Big 2044 243604 45 43139 25 81 27929.33333 3393 62602.98188 0.03 FRP_Big 2045 243604 46 46349 25 81 27929.33333 3448 67929.07134 0.03 FRP_Big 2046 243604 47 45074 25 81 27929.33333 3503 73469.94348 0.03 FRP_Big 2047 243604 48 58121 25 81 27929.33333 3560 79234.04178 0.03 FRP_Big 2048 243604 49 36274 25 81 27929.33333 3617 85228.06303 0.03 FRP_Big 2049 243604 50 20037 25 81 27929.33333 2003.7 89788.60493 0.03 FRP_Big 2050 243604 51 54444 25 81 27929.33333 3735 96217.26307 0.03 FRP_Big 2051 243604 52 39409 25 81 27929.33333 3795 102898.781 0.03 FRP_Big 2052 243604 53 39403 25 81 27929.33333 3856 109841.7444 0.03 FRP_Big 2053 243604 54 31739 25 81 27929.33333 3173.9 116310.8967 0.03 FRP_Big 2054 243604 55 40244 25 81 27929.33333 3981 123781.2236 0.03 FRP_Big 2055 243604 56 54268 25 81 27929.33333 4045 131539.6603 0.03 FRP_Big 2056 243604 57 40619 25 81 27929.33333 4061.9 139547.7501 0.03 FRP_Big 2057 243604 58 59942 25 81 27929.33333 4176 147910.1827 0.03 FRP_Big 2058 243604 59 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 152347.4881 0.03 FRP_Big 2059 243604 60 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 156917.9128 0.03 FRP_Big 2060 243604 61 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 161625.4502 0.03 FRP_Big 2061 243604 62 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 166474.2137 0.03 FRP_Big 2062 243604 63 50440 25 81 27929.33333 4524 175992.4401 0.03 FRP_Big 2063 243604 64 94066 25 81 27929.33333 3963.2 185235.4133 0.03 FRP_Big 2064 243604 65 115084 25 81 27929.33333 0 190792.4757 0.03 FRP_Big 2065 243604 66 36321 25 81 27929.33333 0 196516.2499 0.03 FRP_Big 2066 243604 67 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 202411.7374 0.03 FRP_Big 2067 243604 68 77244 25 81 27929.33333 0 208484.0896 0.03 FRP_Big 2068 243604 69 123371 25 81 27929.33333 0 214738.6123 0.03 FRP_Big 2069 243604 70 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 221180.7706 0.03 FRP_Big 2070 243604 71 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 227816.1937 0.03 FRP_Big 2071 243604 72 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 234650.6796 0.03 FRP_Big 2072 243604 73 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 241690.1999 0.03 FRP_Big 2073 243604 74 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 248940.9059 0.03 FRP_Big 2074 243604 75 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 256409.1331 0.03 FRP_Big 2075 243604 76 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 264101.4071 0.03 FRP_Big 2076 243604 77 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 272024.4493 0.03 FRP_Big 2077 243604 78 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 280185.1828 0.03 FRP_Big 2078 243604 79 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 288590.7383 0.03 FRP_Big 2079 243604 80 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 297248.4604 0.03 FRP_Big 2080 243604 81 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 306165.9142 0.03 FRP_Big
Year PersonID Age WageIncome AgeFirstYear AgeofDeath MeanEarnings frp_deposit frp_balance r scenario 2024 258605 23 17837 23 77 59285.61818 0 0 0.03 FRP_Small 2025 258605 24 21584 23 77 59285.61818 0 0 0.03 FRP_Small 2026 258605 25 39612 23 77 59285.61818 2036 2036 0.03 FRP_Small 2027 258605 26 31868 23 77 59285.61818 2069 4166.08 0.03 FRP_Small 2028 258605 27 31131 23 77 59285.61818 2102 6393.0624 0.03 FRP_Small 2029 258605 28 52935 23 77 59285.61818 2136 8720.854272 0.03 FRP_Small 2030 258605 29 44958 23 77 59285.61818 2171 11153.4799 0.03 FRP_Small 2031 258605 30 43319 23 77 59285.61818 2206 13694.0843 0.03 FRP_Small 2032 258605 31 30060 23 77 59285.61818 2241 16345.90683 0.03 FRP_Small 2033 258605 32 48968 23 77 59285.61818 2277 19113.28403 0.03 FRP_Small 2034 258605 33 75298 23 77 59285.61818 0 19686.68255 0.03 FRP_Small 2035 258605 34 41214 23 77 59285.61818 2351 22628.28303 0.03 FRP_Small 2036 258605 35 53901 23 77 59285.61818 2389 25696.13152 0.03 FRP_Small 2037 258605 36 48596 23 77 59285.61818 2427 28894.01546 0.03 FRP_Small 2038 258605 37 57959 23 77 59285.61818 2467 32227.83593 0.03 FRP_Small 2039 258605 38 84587 23 77 59285.61818 0 33194.67101 0.03 FRP_Small 2040 258605 39 75716 23 77 59285.61818 0 34190.51114 0.03 FRP_Small 2041 258605 40 80048 23 77 59285.61818 0 35216.22647 0.03 FRP_Small 2042 258605 41 95999 23 77 59285.61818 0 36272.71326 0.03 FRP_Small 2043 258605 42 80799 23 77 59285.61818 0 37360.89466 0.03 FRP_Small 2044 258605 43 89500 23 77 59285.61818 0 38481.7215 0.03 FRP_Small 2045 258605 44 44692 23 77 59285.61818 2758 42394.17315 0.03 FRP_Small 2046 258605 45 94210 23 77 59285.61818 0 43665.99834 0.03 FRP_Small 2047 258605 46 83429 23 77 59285.61818 0 44975.97829 0.03 FRP_Small 2048 258605 47 85841 23 77 59285.61818 0 46325.25764 0.03 FRP_Small 2049 258605 48 104999 23 77 59285.61818 0 47715.01537 0.03 FRP_Small 2050 258605 49 75986 23 77 59285.61818 2599.2 51745.66583 0.03 FRP_Small 2051 258605 50 96848 23 77 59285.61818 0 53298.03581 0.03 FRP_Small 2052 258605 51 114902 23 77 59285.61818 0 54896.97688 0.03 FRP_Small 2053 258605 52 133788 23 77 59285.61818 0 56543.88619 0.03 FRP_Small 2054 258605 53 64032 23 77 59285.61818 3185 61425.20277 0.03 FRP_Small 2055 258605 54 82775 23 77 59285.61818 2673.5 65941.45886 0.03 FRP_Small 2056 258605 55 63547 23 77 59285.61818 3288 71207.70262 0.03 FRP_Small 2057 258605 56 85106 23 77 59285.61818 2868.2 76212.1337 0.03 FRP_Small 2058 258605 57 59189 23 77 59285.61818 3395 81893.49771 0.03 FRP_Small 2059 258605 58 111157 23 77 59285.61818 0 84350.30264 0.03 FRP_Small 2060 258605 59 102683 23 77 59285.61818 0 86880.81172 0.03 FRP_Small 2061 258605 60 0 23 77 59285.61818 0 89487.23607 0.03 FRP_Small 2062 258605 61 0 23 77 59285.61818 0 92171.85316 0.03 FRP_Small 2063 258605 62 0 23 77 59285.61818 0 94937.00875 0.03 FRP_Small 2064 258605 63 0 23 77 59285.61818 0 97785.11901 0.03 FRP_Small 2065 258605 64 0 23 77 59285.61818 0 100718.6726 0.03 FRP_Small 2066 258605 65 87447 23 77 59285.61818 0 103740.2328 0.03 FRP_Small 2067 258605 66 117564 23 77 59285.61818 0 106852.4397 0.03 FRP_Small 2068 258605 67 148677 23 77 59285.61818 0 110058.0129 0.03 FRP_Small 2069 258605 68 107417 23 77 59285.61818 0 113359.7533 0.03 FRP_Small 2070 258605 69 145729 23 77 59285.61818 0 116760.5459 0.03 FRP_Small 2071 258605 70 55789 23 77 59285.61818 0 120263.3623 0.03 FRP_Small 2072 258605 71 49013 23 77 59285.61818 0 123871.2632 0.03 FRP_Small 2073 258605 72 0 23 77 59285.61818 0 127587.4011 0.03 FRP_Small 2074 258605 73 0 23 77 59285.61818 0 131415.0231 0.03 FRP_Small 2075 258605 74 0 23 77 59285.61818 0 135357.4738 0.03 FRP_Small 2076 258605 75 0 23 77 59285.61818 0 139418.198 0.03 FRP_Small 2077 258605 76 0 23 77 59285.61818 0 143600.7439 0.03 FRP_Small 2078 258605 77 0 23 77 59285.61818 0 147908.7663 0.03 FRP_Small
Year PersonID Age WageIncome AgeFirstYear AgeofDeath MeanEarnings frp_deposit frp_balance r scenario 2024 258605 23 17837 23 77 59285.61818 0 0 0.03 FRP_Med 2025 258605 24 21584 23 77 59285.61818 0 0 0.03 FRP_Med 2026 258605 25 39612 23 77 59285.61818 2291 2291 0.03 FRP_Med 2027 258605 26 31868 23 77 59285.61818 2328 4687.73 0.03 FRP_Med 2028 258605 27 31131 23 77 59285.61818 2365 7193.3619 0.03 FRP_Med 2029 258605 28 52935 23 77 59285.61818 2403 9812.162757 0.03 FRP_Med 2030 258605 29 44958 23 77 59285.61818 2442 12548.52764 0.03 FRP_Med 2031 258605 30 43319 23 77 59285.61818 2481 15405.98347 0.03 FRP_Med 2032 258605 31 30060 23 77 59285.61818 2521 18389.16297 0.03 FRP_Med 2033 258605 32 48968 23 77 59285.61818 2562 21502.83786 0.03 FRP_Med 2034 258605 33 75298 23 77 59285.61818 0 22147.923 0.03 FRP_Med 2035 258605 34 41214 23 77 59285.61818 2645 25457.36069 0.03 FRP_Med 2036 258605 35 53901 23 77 59285.61818 2688 28909.08151 0.03 FRP_Med 2037 258605 36 48596 23 77 59285.61818 2731 32507.35395 0.03 FRP_Med 2038 258605 37 57959 23 77 59285.61818 2775 36257.57457 0.03 FRP_Med 2039 258605 38 84587 23 77 59285.61818 0 37345.30181 0.03 FRP_Med 2040 258605 39 75716 23 77 59285.61818 0 38465.66086 0.03 FRP_Med 2041 258605 40 80048 23 77 59285.61818 0 39619.63069 0.03 FRP_Med 2042 258605 41 95999 23 77 59285.61818 0 40808.21961 0.03 FRP_Med 2043 258605 42 80799 23 77 59285.61818 0 42032.4662 0.03 FRP_Med 2044 258605 43 89500 23 77 59285.61818 0 43293.44018 0.03 FRP_Med 2045 258605 44 44692 23 77 59285.61818 3103 47695.24339 0.03 FRP_Med 2046 258605 45 94210 23 77 59285.61818 0 49126.10069 0.03 FRP_Med 2047 258605 46 83429 23 77 59285.61818 0 50599.88371 0.03 FRP_Med 2048 258605 47 85841 23 77 59285.61818 0 52117.88022 0.03 FRP_Med 2049 258605 48 104999 23 77 59285.61818 0 53681.41663 0.03 FRP_Med 2050 258605 49 75986 23 77 59285.61818 2972.2 58264.05913 0.03 FRP_Med 2051 258605 50 96848 23 77 59285.61818 0 60011.9809 0.03 FRP_Med 2052 258605 51 114902 23 77 59285.61818 0 61812.34033 0.03 FRP_Med 2053 258605 52 133788 23 77 59285.61818 0 63666.71054 0.03 FRP_Med 2054 258605 53 64032 23 77 59285.61818 3583 69159.71186 0.03 FRP_Med 2055 258605 54 82775 23 77 59285.61818 3078.5 74313.00321 0.03 FRP_Med 2056 258605 55 63547 23 77 59285.61818 3699 80241.39331 0.03 FRP_Med 2057 258605 56 85106 23 77 59285.61818 3286.2 85934.83511 0.03 FRP_Med 2058 258605 57 59189 23 77 59285.61818 3819 92331.88016 0.03 FRP_Med 2059 258605 58 111157 23 77 59285.61818 0 95101.83657 0.03 FRP_Med 2060 258605 59 102683 23 77 59285.61818 0 97954.89166 0.03 FRP_Med 2061 258605 60 0 23 77 59285.61818 0 100893.5384 0.03 FRP_Med 2062 258605 61 0 23 77 59285.61818 0 103920.3446 0.03 FRP_Med 2063 258605 62 0 23 77 59285.61818 0 107037.9549 0.03 FRP_Med 2064 258605 63 0 23 77 59285.61818 0 110249.0935 0.03 FRP_Med 2065 258605 64 0 23 77 59285.61818 0 113556.5664 0.03 FRP_Med 2066 258605 65 87447 23 77 59285.61818 0 116963.2633 0.03 FRP_Med 2067 258605 66 117564 23 77 59285.61818 0 120472.1612 0.03 FRP_Med 2068 258605 67 148677 23 77 59285.61818 0 124086.3261 0.03 FRP_Med 2069 258605 68 107417 23 77 59285.61818 0 127808.9159 0.03 FRP_Med 2070 258605 69 145729 23 77 59285.61818 0 131643.1833 0.03 FRP_Med 2071 258605 70 55789 23 77 59285.61818 0 135592.4788 0.03 FRP_Med 2072 258605 71 49013 23 77 59285.61818 0 139660.2532 0.03 FRP_Med 2073 258605 72 0 23 77 59285.61818 0 143850.0608 0.03 FRP_Med 2074 258605 73 0 23 77 59285.61818 0 148165.5626 0.03 FRP_Med 2075 258605 74 0 23 77 59285.61818 0 152610.5295 0.03 FRP_Med 2076 258605 75 0 23 77 59285.61818 0 157188.8454 0.03 FRP_Med 2077 258605 76 0 23 77 59285.61818 0 161904.5108 0.03 FRP_Med 2078 258605 77 0 23 77 59285.61818 0 166761.6461 0.03 FRP_Med
Year PersonID Age WageIncome AgeFirstYear AgeofDeath MeanEarnings frp_deposit frp_balance r scenario 2024 258605 23 17837 23 77 59285.61818 0 0 0.03 FRP_Big 2025 258605 24 21584 23 77 59285.61818 0 0 0.03 FRP_Big 2026 258605 25 39612 23 77 59285.61818 2545 2545 0.03 FRP_Big 2027 258605 26 31868 23 77 59285.61818 2586 5207.35 0.03 FRP_Big 2028 258605 27 31131 23 77 59285.61818 2628 7991.5705 0.03 FRP_Big 2029 258605 28 52935 23 77 59285.61818 2670 10901.31762 0.03 FRP_Big 2030 258605 29 44958 23 77 59285.61818 2713 13941.35714 0.03 FRP_Big 2031 258605 30 43319 23 77 59285.61818 2757 17116.59786 0.03 FRP_Big 2032 258605 31 30060 23 77 59285.61818 2801 20431.09579 0.03 FRP_Big 2033 258605 32 48968 23 77 59285.61818 2847 23891.02867 0.03 FRP_Big 2034 258605 33 75298 23 77 59285.61818 0 24607.75953 0.03 FRP_Big 2035 258605 34 41214 23 77 59285.61818 2939 28284.99231 0.03 FRP_Big 2036 258605 35 53901 23 77 59285.61818 2986 32119.54208 0.03 FRP_Big 2037 258605 36 48596 23 77 59285.61818 3034 36117.12834 0.03 FRP_Big 2038 258605 37 57959 23 77 59285.61818 3083 40283.6422 0.03 FRP_Big 2039 258605 38 84587 23 77 59285.61818 0 41492.15146 0.03 FRP_Big 2040 258605 39 75716 23 77 59285.61818 0 42736.91601 0.03 FRP_Big 2041 258605 40 80048 23 77 59285.61818 0 44019.02349 0.03 FRP_Big 2042 258605 41 95999 23 77 59285.61818 0 45339.59419 0.03 FRP_Big 2043 258605 42 80799 23 77 59285.61818 0 46699.78202 0.03 FRP_Big 2044 258605 43 89500 23 77 59285.61818 0 48100.77548 0.03 FRP_Big 2045 258605 44 44692 23 77 59285.61818 3448 52991.79874 0.03 FRP_Big 2046 258605 45 94210 23 77 59285.61818 0 54581.5527 0.03 FRP_Big 2047 258605 46 83429 23 77 59285.61818 0 56218.99928 0.03 FRP_Big 2048 258605 47 85841 23 77 59285.61818 0 57905.56926 0.03 FRP_Big 2049 258605 48 104999 23 77 59285.61818 0 59642.73634 0.03 FRP_Big 2050 258605 49 75986 23 77 59285.61818 3346.2 64778.21843 0.03 FRP_Big 2051 258605 50 96848 23 77 59285.61818 0 66721.56498 0.03 FRP_Big 2052 258605 51 114902 23 77 59285.61818 0 68723.21193 0.03 FRP_Big 2053 258605 52 133788 23 77 59285.61818 0 70784.90829 0.03 FRP_Big 2054 258605 53 64032 23 77 59285.61818 3981 76889.45554 0.03 FRP_Big 2055 258605 54 82775 23 77 59285.61818 3482.5 82678.63921 0.03 FRP_Big 2056 258605 55 63547 23 77 59285.61818 4110 89268.99838 0.03 FRP_Big 2057 258605 56 85106 23 77 59285.61818 3703.2 95650.26833 0.03 FRP_Big 2058 258605 57 59189 23 77 59285.61818 4244 102763.7764 0.03 FRP_Big 2059 258605 58 111157 23 77 59285.61818 0 105846.6897 0.03 FRP_Big 2060 258605 59 102683 23 77 59285.61818 0 109022.0904 0.03 FRP_Big 2061 258605 60 0 23 77 59285.61818 0 112292.7531 0.03 FRP_Big 2062 258605 61 0 23 77 59285.61818 0 115661.5357 0.03 FRP_Big 2063 258605 62 0 23 77 59285.61818 0 119131.3817 0.03 FRP_Big 2064 258605 63 0 23 77 59285.61818 0 122705.3232 0.03 FRP_Big 2065 258605 64 0 23 77 59285.61818 0 126386.4829 0.03 FRP_Big 2066 258605 65 87447 23 77 59285.61818 0 130178.0774 0.03 FRP_Big 2067 258605 66 117564 23 77 59285.61818 0 134083.4197 0.03 FRP_Big 2068 258605 67 148677 23 77 59285.61818 0 138105.9223 0.03 FRP_Big 2069 258605 68 107417 23 77 59285.61818 0 142249.1 0.03 FRP_Big 2070 258605 69 145729 23 77 59285.61818 0 146516.573 0.03 FRP_Big 2071 258605 70 55789 23 77 59285.61818 0 150912.0701 0.03 FRP_Big 2072 258605 71 49013 23 77 59285.61818 0 155439.4322 0.03 FRP_Big 2073 258605 72 0 23 77 59285.61818 0 160102.6152 0.03 FRP_Big 2074 258605 73 0 23 77 59285.61818 0 164905.6937 0.03 FRP_Big 2075 258605 74 0 23 77 59285.61818 0 169852.8645 0.03 FRP_Big 2076 258605 75 0 23 77 59285.61818 0 174948.4504 0.03 FRP_Big 2077 258605 76 0 23 77 59285.61818 0 180196.9039 0.03 FRP_Big 2078 258605 77 0 23 77 59285.61818 0 185602.811 0.03 FRP_Big
Year PersonID Age WageIncome AgeFirstYear AgeofDeath MeanEarnings frp_deposit frp_balance r scenario 2024 243604 25 10108 25 81 27929.33333 0 0 0.01 FRP_Med 2025 243604 26 12277 25 81 27929.33333 1227.7 1227.7 0.01 FRP_Med 2026 243604 27 22318 25 81 27929.33333 2231.8 3471.777 0.01 FRP_Med 2027 243604 28 28789 25 81 27929.33333 2328 5834.49477 0.01 FRP_Med 2028 243604 29 17582 25 81 27929.33333 1758.2 7651.039718 0.01 FRP_Med 2029 243604 30 39809 25 81 27929.33333 2403 10130.55011 0.01 FRP_Med 2030 243604 31 26865 25 81 27929.33333 2442 12673.85562 0.01 FRP_Med 2031 243604 32 20889 25 81 27929.33333 2088.9 14889.49417 0.01 FRP_Med 2032 243604 33 28509 25 81 27929.33333 2521 17559.38911 0.01 FRP_Med 2033 243604 34 17927 25 81 27929.33333 1792.7 19527.68301 0.01 FRP_Med 2034 243604 35 16624 25 81 27929.33333 1662.4 21385.35984 0.01 FRP_Med 2035 243604 36 17812 25 81 27929.33333 1781.2 23380.41343 0.01 FRP_Med 2036 243604 37 22907 25 81 27929.33333 2290.7 25904.91757 0.01 FRP_Med 2037 243604 38 22182 25 81 27929.33333 2218.2 28382.16674 0.01 FRP_Med 2038 243604 39 36629 25 81 27929.33333 2775 31440.98841 0.01 FRP_Med 2039 243604 40 14433 25 81 27929.33333 1443.3 33198.6983 0.01 FRP_Med 2040 243604 41 27867 25 81 27929.33333 2786.7 36317.38528 0.01 FRP_Med 2041 243604 42 26829 25 81 27929.33333 2682.9 39363.45913 0.01 FRP_Med 2042 243604 43 31541 25 81 27929.33333 2958 42715.09372 0.01 FRP_Med 2043 243604 44 44487 25 81 27929.33333 3006 46148.24466 0.01 FRP_Med 2044 243604 45 43139 25 81 27929.33333 3054 49663.72711 0.01 FRP_Med 2045 243604 46 46349 25 81 27929.33333 3103 53263.36438 0.01 FRP_Med 2046 243604 47 45074 25 81 27929.33333 3153 56948.99802 0.01 FRP_Med 2047 243604 48 58121 25 81 27929.33333 3204 60722.488 0.01 FRP_Med 2048 243604 49 36274 25 81 27929.33333 3255 64584.71288 0.01 FRP_Med 2049 243604 50 20037 25 81 27929.33333 2003.7 67234.26001 0.01 FRP_Med 2050 243604 51 54444 25 81 27929.33333 3361 71267.60261 0.01 FRP_Med 2051 243604 52 39409 25 81 27929.33333 3415 75395.27864 0.01 FRP_Med 2052 243604 53 39403 25 81 27929.33333 3470 79619.23142 0.01 FRP_Med 2053 243604 54 31739 25 81 27929.33333 3173.9 83589.32374 0.01 FRP_Med 2054 243604 55 40244 25 81 27929.33333 3583 88008.21697 0.01 FRP_Med 2055 243604 56 54268 25 81 27929.33333 3641 92529.29914 0.01 FRP_Med 2056 243604 57 40619 25 81 27929.33333 3699 97153.59214 0.01 FRP_Med 2057 243604 58 59942 25 81 27929.33333 3759 101884.1281 0.01 FRP_Med 2058 243604 59 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 102902.9693 0.01 FRP_Med 2059 243604 60 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 103931.999 0.01 FRP_Med 2060 243604 61 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 104971.319 0.01 FRP_Med 2061 243604 62 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 106021.0322 0.01 FRP_Med 2062 243604 63 50440 25 81 27929.33333 4072 111153.2425 0.01 FRP_Med 2063 243604 64 94066 25 81 27929.33333 3503.2 115767.975 0.01 FRP_Med 2064 243604 65 115084 25 81 27929.33333 0 116925.6547 0.01 FRP_Med 2065 243604 66 36321 25 81 27929.33333 0 118094.9113 0.01 FRP_Med 2066 243604 67 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 119275.8604 0.01 FRP_Med 2067 243604 68 77244 25 81 27929.33333 0 120468.619 0.01 FRP_Med 2068 243604 69 123371 25 81 27929.33333 0 121673.3052 0.01 FRP_Med 2069 243604 70 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 122890.0382 0.01 FRP_Med 2070 243604 71 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 124118.9386 0.01 FRP_Med 2071 243604 72 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 125360.128 0.01 FRP_Med 2072 243604 73 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 126613.7293 0.01 FRP_Med 2073 243604 74 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 127879.8666 0.01 FRP_Med 2074 243604 75 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 129158.6652 0.01 FRP_Med 2075 243604 76 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 130450.2519 0.01 FRP_Med 2076 243604 77 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 131754.7544 0.01 FRP_Med 2077 243604 78 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 133072.3019 0.01 FRP_Med 2078 243604 79 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 134403.025 0.01 FRP_Med 2079 243604 80 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 135747.0552 0.01 FRP_Med 2080 243604 81 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 137104.5258 0.01 FRP_Med
Year PersonID Age WageIncome AgeFirstYear AgeofDeath MeanEarnings frp_deposit frp_balance r scenario 2024 243604 25 10108 25 81 27929.33333 0 0 0.03 FRP_Med 2025 243604 26 12277 25 81 27929.33333 1227.7 1227.7 0.03 FRP_Med 2026 243604 27 22318 25 81 27929.33333 2231.8 3496.331 0.03 FRP_Med 2027 243604 28 28789 25 81 27929.33333 2328 5929.22093 0.03 FRP_Med 2028 243604 29 17582 25 81 27929.33333 1758.2 7865.297558 0.03 FRP_Med 2029 243604 30 39809 25 81 27929.33333 2403 10504.25648 0.03 FRP_Med 2030 243604 31 26865 25 81 27929.33333 2442 13261.38418 0.03 FRP_Med 2031 243604 32 20889 25 81 27929.33333 2088.9 15748.1257 0.03 FRP_Med 2032 243604 33 28509 25 81 27929.33333 2521 18741.56948 0.03 FRP_Med 2033 243604 34 17927 25 81 27929.33333 1792.7 21096.51656 0.03 FRP_Med 2034 243604 35 16624 25 81 27929.33333 1662.4 23391.81206 0.03 FRP_Med 2035 243604 36 17812 25 81 27929.33333 1781.2 25874.76642 0.03 FRP_Med 2036 243604 37 22907 25 81 27929.33333 2290.7 28941.70941 0.03 FRP_Med 2037 243604 38 22182 25 81 27929.33333 2218.2 32028.16069 0.03 FRP_Med 2038 243604 39 36629 25 81 27929.33333 2775 35764.00551 0.03 FRP_Med 2039 243604 40 14433 25 81 27929.33333 1443.3 38280.22568 0.03 FRP_Med 2040 243604 41 27867 25 81 27929.33333 2786.7 42215.33245 0.03 FRP_Med 2041 243604 42 26829 25 81 27929.33333 2682.9 46164.69242 0.03 FRP_Med 2042 243604 43 31541 25 81 27929.33333 2958 50507.6332 0.03 FRP_Med 2043 243604 44 44487 25 81 27929.33333 3006 55028.86219 0.03 FRP_Med 2044 243604 45 43139 25 81 27929.33333 3054 59733.72806 0.03 FRP_Med 2045 243604 46 46349 25 81 27929.33333 3103 64628.7399 0.03 FRP_Med 2046 243604 47 45074 25 81 27929.33333 3153 69720.6021 0.03 FRP_Med 2047 243604 48 58121 25 81 27929.33333 3204 75016.22016 0.03 FRP_Med 2048 243604 49 36274 25 81 27929.33333 3255 80521.70676 0.03 FRP_Med 2049 243604 50 20037 25 81 27929.33333 2003.7 84941.05797 0.03 FRP_Med 2050 243604 51 54444 25 81 27929.33333 3361 90850.28971 0.03 FRP_Med 2051 243604 52 39409 25 81 27929.33333 3415 96990.7984 0.03 FRP_Med 2052 243604 53 39403 25 81 27929.33333 3470 103370.5223 0.03 FRP_Med 2053 243604 54 31739 25 81 27929.33333 3173.9 109645.538 0.03 FRP_Med 2054 243604 55 40244 25 81 27929.33333 3583 116517.9042 0.03 FRP_Med 2055 243604 56 54268 25 81 27929.33333 3641 123654.4413 0.03 FRP_Med 2056 243604 57 40619 25 81 27929.33333 3699 131063.0745 0.03 FRP_Med 2057 243604 58 59942 25 81 27929.33333 3759 138753.9668 0.03 FRP_Med 2058 243604 59 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 142916.5858 0.03 FRP_Med 2059 243604 60 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 147204.0833 0.03 FRP_Med 2060 243604 61 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 151620.2058 0.03 FRP_Med 2061 243604 62 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 156168.812 0.03 FRP_Med 2062 243604 63 50440 25 81 27929.33333 4072 164925.8764 0.03 FRP_Med 2063 243604 64 94066 25 81 27929.33333 3503.2 173376.8527 0.03 FRP_Med 2064 243604 65 115084 25 81 27929.33333 0 178578.1582 0.03 FRP_Med 2065 243604 66 36321 25 81 27929.33333 0 183935.503 0.03 FRP_Med 2066 243604 67 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 189453.5681 0.03 FRP_Med 2067 243604 68 77244 25 81 27929.33333 0 195137.1751 0.03 FRP_Med 2068 243604 69 123371 25 81 27929.33333 0 200991.2904 0.03 FRP_Med 2069 243604 70 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 207021.0291 0.03 FRP_Med 2070 243604 71 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 213231.66 0.03 FRP_Med 2071 243604 72 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 219628.6098 0.03 FRP_Med 2072 243604 73 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 226217.468 0.03 FRP_Med 2073 243604 74 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 233003.9921 0.03 FRP_Med 2074 243604 75 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 239994.1119 0.03 FRP_Med 2075 243604 76 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 247193.9352 0.03 FRP_Med 2076 243604 77 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 254609.7533 0.03 FRP_Med 2077 243604 78 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 262248.0459 0.03 FRP_Med 2078 243604 79 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 270115.4872 0.03 FRP_Med 2079 243604 80 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 278218.9519 0.03 FRP_Med 2080 243604 81 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 286565.5204 0.03 FRP_Med
Year PersonID Age WageIncome AgeFirstYear AgeofDeath MeanEarnings frp_deposit frp_balance r scenario 2024 243604 25 10108 25 81 27929.33333 0 0 0.05 FRP_Med 2025 243604 26 12277 25 81 27929.33333 1227.7 1227.7 0.05 FRP_Med 2026 243604 27 22318 25 81 27929.33333 2231.8 3520.885 0.05 FRP_Med 2027 243604 28 28789 25 81 27929.33333 2328 6024.92925 0.05 FRP_Med 2028 243604 29 17582 25 81 27929.33333 1758.2 8084.375713 0.05 FRP_Med 2029 243604 30 39809 25 81 27929.33333 2403 10891.5945 0.05 FRP_Med 2030 243604 31 26865 25 81 27929.33333 2442 13878.17422 0.05 FRP_Med 2031 243604 32 20889 25 81 27929.33333 2088.9 16660.98293 0.05 FRP_Med 2032 243604 33 28509 25 81 27929.33333 2521 20015.03208 0.05 FRP_Med 2033 243604 34 17927 25 81 27929.33333 1792.7 22808.48368 0.05 FRP_Med 2034 243604 35 16624 25 81 27929.33333 1662.4 25611.30787 0.05 FRP_Med 2035 243604 36 17812 25 81 27929.33333 1781.2 28673.07326 0.05 FRP_Med 2036 243604 37 22907 25 81 27929.33333 2290.7 32397.42693 0.05 FRP_Med 2037 243604 38 22182 25 81 27929.33333 2218.2 36235.49827 0.05 FRP_Med 2038 243604 39 36629 25 81 27929.33333 2775 40822.27319 0.05 FRP_Med 2039 243604 40 14433 25 81 27929.33333 1443.3 44306.68684 0.05 FRP_Med 2040 243604 41 27867 25 81 27929.33333 2786.7 49308.72119 0.05 FRP_Med 2041 243604 42 26829 25 81 27929.33333 2682.9 54457.05725 0.05 FRP_Med 2042 243604 43 31541 25 81 27929.33333 2958 60137.91011 0.05 FRP_Med 2043 243604 44 44487 25 81 27929.33333 3006 66150.80561 0.05 FRP_Med 2044 243604 45 43139 25 81 27929.33333 3054 72512.3459 0.05 FRP_Med 2045 243604 46 46349 25 81 27929.33333 3103 79240.96319 0.05 FRP_Med 2046 243604 47 45074 25 81 27929.33333 3153 86356.01135 0.05 FRP_Med 2047 243604 48 58121 25 81 27929.33333 3204 93877.81192 0.05 FRP_Med 2048 243604 49 36274 25 81 27929.33333 3255 101826.7025 0.05 FRP_Med 2049 243604 50 20037 25 81 27929.33333 2003.7 108921.7376 0.05 FRP_Med 2050 243604 51 54444 25 81 27929.33333 3361 117728.8245 0.05 FRP_Med 2051 243604 52 39409 25 81 27929.33333 3415 127030.2657 0.05 FRP_Med 2052 243604 53 39403 25 81 27929.33333 3470 136851.779 0.05 FRP_Med 2053 243604 54 31739 25 81 27929.33333 3173.9 146868.268 0.05 FRP_Med 2054 243604 55 40244 25 81 27929.33333 3583 157794.6814 0.05 FRP_Med 2055 243604 56 54268 25 81 27929.33333 3641 169325.4155 0.05 FRP_Med 2056 243604 57 40619 25 81 27929.33333 3699 181490.6862 0.05 FRP_Med 2057 243604 58 59942 25 81 27929.33333 3759 194324.2205 0.05 FRP_Med 2058 243604 59 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 204040.4316 0.05 FRP_Med 2059 243604 60 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 214242.4531 0.05 FRP_Med 2060 243604 61 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 224954.5758 0.05 FRP_Med 2061 243604 62 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 236202.3046 0.05 FRP_Med 2062 243604 63 50440 25 81 27929.33333 4072 252084.4198 0.05 FRP_Med 2063 243604 64 94066 25 81 27929.33333 3503.2 268191.8408 0.05 FRP_Med 2064 243604 65 115084 25 81 27929.33333 0 281601.4329 0.05 FRP_Med 2065 243604 66 36321 25 81 27929.33333 0 295681.5045 0.05 FRP_Med 2066 243604 67 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 310465.5797 0.05 FRP_Med 2067 243604 68 77244 25 81 27929.33333 0 325988.8587 0.05 FRP_Med 2068 243604 69 123371 25 81 27929.33333 0 342288.3016 0.05 FRP_Med 2069 243604 70 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 359402.7167 0.05 FRP_Med 2070 243604 71 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 377372.8526 0.05 FRP_Med 2071 243604 72 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 396241.4952 0.05 FRP_Med 2072 243604 73 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 416053.5699 0.05 FRP_Med 2073 243604 74 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 436856.2484 0.05 FRP_Med 2074 243604 75 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 458699.0609 0.05 FRP_Med 2075 243604 76 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 481634.0139 0.05 FRP_Med 2076 243604 77 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 505715.7146 0.05 FRP_Med 2077 243604 78 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 531001.5003 0.05 FRP_Med 2078 243604 79 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 557551.5753 0.05 FRP_Med 2079 243604 80 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 585429.1541 0.05 FRP_Med 2080 243604 81 0 25 81 27929.33333 0 614700.6118 0.05 FRP_Med