

Tariff Revenue Simulator

Estimate changes in tax revenue by selecting from a wide range of different tariff options.

Interactive Tool: Options to Reduce the National Debt

This interactive page presents estimated budgetary, economic, and distributional effects for a wide array of policies and policy packages that would reduce the federal debt.

Map: Income Underreporting by State

We estimate a state-level decomposition of income underreporting in the US to be over $1.3 trillion for tax year 2018. We present these numbers separately by income type (wages and salaries, partnerships and S-corps, capital gains and dividends, interest, schedule C, and other). Most (69 percent) of underreported income is underreported Schedule C (sole proprietorship) income.

Interactive Map: New Data on 2020 CARES Act Stimulus Checks

This post presents new state-level data on the $271.4 billion of stimulus checks in the CARES Act as of March 2020, breaking down the 161.9 million payments by amount, method of receipt, and recipient household type.

Penn Wharton Budget Model COVID-19 Tracker

The Penn Wharton Budget Model COVID-19 Tracker provides daily, real-time estimates of economic activity and of the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic at the state level.

Coronavirus Policy Response Simulator: Health and Economic Effects of State Reopenings

Using an integrated, interdisciplinary modeling approach, this simulator forecasts the state-level health and economic effects of reopening businesses and relaxing stay-at-home orders. This simulator will be updated regularly as new data arrive.

Recession Simulator

This simulation tool uses the experience of the Great Recession of 2007-2009 as a template to simulate key economic indicators during a recession beginning in March, 2020.

Comparing Progressive Tax Proposals

PWBM’s new interactive tax policy tool allows users to explore different ways of raising taxes on high-income households—a common theme in the policy platforms of several of the 2020 presidential candidates. Users can build their own tax and spending plan from among 18 specific policy options—with 575 possible combinations—to see the total budgetary and economic consequences of their selected policies.

Health Insurance Policy: 2020 Presidential Election State Indicator Map

PWBM’s interactive state-level map shows insurance indicators for each state that relate to health care policy. These data-based indicators can inform debates about 2020 Presidential campaign proposals for changes to health care policy. We show insurance rates for those who are unemployed, not in the workforce, employed, retirees and children. We also examine the cost of health care premiums, per enrollee spending on Medicare, state health care spending, infant mortality and life expectancy. These indicators imply that the impact of any proposed changes to health insurance policy on a state will depend on labor market conditions and the age distribution of that state.

Immigration Policy: 2020 Presidential Campaign State-Level Economic Indicator Map

Use data to get information about the impact of campaign proposals on states. Examine six indicators focused on immigration policy for each state. See the percent of the population that is foreign-born, the percent of the foreign-born population with a bachelor’s or advanced degree compared with the percent of the native-born with a bachelor’s or advanced degree, the old-age dependency ratio, the child dependency ratio, and percent of the foreign-born population that is unauthorized for the U.S. and each state.